Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amazon Stunt Hurt Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga continues her decline on the pop charts and critics blame selling her cd for 99cents on Amazon for the failure.
UPDATE: All the numbers are in. Lady Gaga‘s “Born this Way” has dropped to number 8 on the pop charts and number 20 on ITunes. The total for last week is just less than 50,000 copies. By contrast, Adele remains at number 1 with over 100,000 copies sold again last week. “Born this Way” has just completely dropped, like air running quickly from an inflatable ball. So weird. But the amazon thing really hurt. Lady Gaga’s fans feel that amazon bought those 440,000 copies at full price, so what’s the difference? The difference is, the promotion hurt the artist. It devalued her CD. Only amazon did well by that move. What’s worse is that there seems to be no big single to follow up “Born this Way.” I hate to think what that “Judas” video cost. Oh my. If you look at the “Judas” entries on YouTube, it would seem like there have been 85 million views of either the video or the song lyrics. But that didn’t translate into further CD sales. “Edge of Glory” remains the number 6 single on the Billboard and ITunes charts. PS The number 9 album this week from Weird Al, featuring a parody of “Born this Way.”
Jacked from Showbiz 411


Anonymous said...

LOL thats what happens when you rely on gimmicks, and when you cheat your way to the top!

Anonymous said...

Too bad for Lady Flop Flop
Flop this Way was a garbage album anyway

Anonymous said...

Yayyy....hopefully her Madonna biting ass is done for.

Anonymous said...

She was destined to fail. No one has patience for someone who dresses like she does 24/7. At least Madonna had common sense to dress like a normal person when she was off stage.

Anonymous said...

Artist like her that shock for attentionm always run the risk of topping themselves with stunt and not good quality work.

They lose credibility because there's no substance

Anonymous said...

Now she can join Beyonce with the wack ass music. Artist get to a level and think they can put out any damn thing and the fans will purcahse it well...............

verdeez said...

AYOO....people are fucking HILARIOUS. Every single post comment is so hateful, get that out of your system. Not to mention that lady gagas music is about acceptance and love and she even uses her interviews to spread that message. You should really be ashamed of yourself...and how you gonna shit on somebody for trying to make her album available for everybody(99 cents). YO GROW THE FUCK UP and stop jumping on every fucking band wagon that rolls onto a website. And truth is, to me, a person that READS BETWEEN THE LINES AND FORMS AN ORIGINAL OPINION...this sounds like the music industry trying to discourage other artists from selling thier cd's for 99 cents. Wake up and get that fucking hate out of you system. PEACE AND LOVE.

Anonymous said...

^^^ You have serious issues!!!

Anonymous said...

@verdeez -Tamar Braxton is that you?

Anonymous said...

Gaga sucks!

Anonymous said...

Leave the woman alone just because she sold her album for 99 cents.

Anonymous said...

@Verdeez... Peace and Love? Bitch please! Lady Gaga is selling nothing but profane, promiscuous junk to youngsters (monsters?). She should cut the bullshit and the gimmicks and just write good songs. BURN...

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

i believe that is 2

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