Monday, June 20, 2011

Amy Winehouse Booed Off Stage

Amy Winehouse's comeback tour has ended in disaster after being booed off stage in Belgrade, Serbia.

AMY WINEHOUSE was booed off the stage in Belgrade, Serbia after a disastrous performance, which The Blic Daily described as “the worst in the history of Belgrade.” AP reports that after showing up an hour late, Wino stumbled around on stage and mumbled the lyrics to her songs. She would disappear from stage, and leave the band to perform in her absence. “It was horrible,” said Ivana Bilic, a fan. “She should have canceled the whole thing, rather than appear at all like this.” Due to the pathetic performance, Amy’s team canceled her shows in Istanbul today and Athens on Wednesday. Amy recently spent a week in drug and alcohol rehab, but quickly left to go back on tour.

Jacked from The Boston Herald 


bogart4017 said...

Get it together lady. People will not spend good money to see you drunk.



Anonymous said...

Somebody just shoot her already - damn we're more humane to animals than humans... this bish is one crack rock away from a slow death....

Anonymous said...

i want a refund just for watching this video. Damn, drugs distroy every thing in it's path, alcohol to

shitorsugarreanimated said...

what a fucking mess...someone please commit her and make sure she stays there til she's ready to start taking baby steps out into the real word.

Anonymous said...

@ Amy Winehouse: Hip-hip, BOO! Hip-hip, BOO!! HIP-HIP, BOO!!!! YOU STINK !!! @ 1:19: Drugs and alcohol are bad, but only in the hands of people who can't control their urges like Amy Wino,er, Winehouse. It's crazy how her name fits her behavior, huh?

malika the slutty prude said...

man, look at her clutching her arms and her stomach in that first video. she's on that horse bad. i feel bad for her. folks in her camp don't make money if she can't do shows, so they pull her out of rehab. and then she's so sick if they try to detox her, you have to get her high again so she's well enough to hit the stage. its a terrible cycle.

the bad things is normally the handlers control the drugs and the money so they have the resources to keep her from her poor friends and family that love her as a person. they can change her phone number, her email address, and all of her contact info if they sniff someone that wants to take the time to get her off of the shit and out of the limelight. i pray that someone gets through to her before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that someone as talented as Amy seems to be is on a rapid descent without anyone trying to help her. Maybe they have tried, but it is to no avail. She may end up dead soon. Shame

Anonymous said...

wow pray for her she need prayer,... said her band mates just let her exist like that.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...I would have been on the floor crying, I wouldn't have stop laughing like now. OMG this is so funny, this girl is a hot mess.

I wish I could be in her place to sing and make a living, travel the world and do what I love to do sing....damn such wasted talent.

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