Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beyonce Nervous About Headlining Glastonbury

Beyonce is putting in extra work to make sure her Glastonbury Festival performance is perfect.

Beyonce has booked a secret east London studio to rehearse for two weeks as she is ''so nervous'' about headlining Glastonbury Festival later this month.

Beyonce is feeling "so nervous" about headlining Glastonbury.

The 'Single Ladies' singer - who will perform on the show's Pyramid Stage as the closing act of the UK festival in Somerset, South West England, on Sunday 26 June - has been feeling anxious about the show, so has secretly rented a studio in London to put in extra rehearsals.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Beyonce is so nervous about the gig she has booked the space for two weeks so she can perfect the set, which will include dizzying pyrotechnics. She's literally playing with fire.

"Her performance at Glastonbury is already looking epic. She's been given a helping hand by Jay-Z and Kanye West who both look set to perform songs with her."

The 29-year-old singer will also spend the fortnight with her back-up singers, dancers, sound engineers and lighting technicians as she pulls out all the stops for her performance.

Beyonce admitted earlier this year she "cannot wait" to take to the stage at the spectacle.

She said: "This really is the biggest festival in the world and I cannot wait to perform there.

Everyone who attends is really appreciative of music and is in such a good mood that entire weekend.

"I'm pumped just thinking about that huge audience and soaking up their energy."

Beyonce was last at Glastonbury in 2008 with Jay, her husband, who was headlining that year.
Jacked from Contact Music


nba is fixed said...

She should be nervous, her new songs sucks.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same thing.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I wonder when she becomes pregnant if she's going to book a hospital room and practice giving birth with her doctor, nurse and husband oh yeah and kanye in the back trying to outshine Bey.

King Kleptonce said...

She should be more nervous about those flop singles she keep releasing.

Anonymous said...

what she gonna do....more panties,more makeup,more hair...steal somemore dance moves and give JayZ more vigra

Anonymous said...

She will be appreciated more there. Americans are the worst fans ever...crabs in a barrel and rarely have anything nice to say...times like these I really wish we had less freedom of speech smdh...if you don't like something...who is all a better human being and stop spreading negativity...geesh.

Anonymous said...


So what being a fan is a choice and not a demand when did we start to get to the point when the celebrities have control over your everyday choices and views this is why I turn away from TV and music a little bit more everyday it is not worth my time and energy for real. It is for puppets and puppet master that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

she better be this festival have most rock acts and if they do like her she theres a chance of getting bottled or having a piss bomb (water bottle containing pee)thrown at her they don't mess about!

Anonymous said...

^ 1:26.... no crabs in the barrel. she's out the barrel but most wish her ass was back at the bottom because of the inundation and fckery that is her career. there's no truth to her anonymity or likability other than she can perform other peoples stolen intellectual property fairly well.

Anonymous said...

She may be nervous. Not all are stans and those people are not going to accept just anything, especially if it is borrowed. They see thru her bs more and are more vocal about it.

1:26 is the same stan/family member that posts basically the same message of another website. Not all feels the world should revolve around her crotch.

Hit or Miss said...

Anyways she's trying to capture Kelly's audience. Ain't nobody checking for Beypornce. How much practice do you need in order to pop your puzz? And she's probably nervous that when she pops her puzz she may flash some gray hairs. We know that thrusting vagina is aging just as rapid as her face.

Anonymous said...

beyonce haters get a fucking life real talk she dont give a fuck about you, she makes more money in a day then you do you whole life,she has a husband unlike most of the women who hate on b, get over it you cant live her life

Anonymous said...

^12:47 no one wants her life b/c no one wants her judgement when it comes. we disagree cause of our right to discern whereas you're really pressed equally for someone you don't know. simpleminded people are consumed with the money she has/made or stole. do us a favor and cry yourself a river and then drown in those sorrows.

Anonymous said...

She should be, she ain't no damn ROCK STAR, her ugly ass husband put her up to this shit, just like he okayed that fucked up album.

Anonymous said...

She will be appreciated more there. Americans are the worst fans ever...crabs in a barrel and rarely have anything nice to say...times like these I really wish we had less freedom of speech smdh...if you don't like something...who is all a better human being and stop spreading negativity...geesh.

@ June 3, 2011 1:26 AM

beyonce haters get a fucking life real talk she
dont give a fuck about you, she makes more money in a day then you do you whole life,she has a husband unlike most of the women who hate on b, get over it you cant live her life

@ June 3, 2011 12:47 PM

You bitches must be her bipolar, no talent having, "other than a DJ" Solange, and her fat ass cousin, PR, or Publicist.



Should have given all those songs on that album to either Ciara or Cassie.


Anonymous said...

I hope they throw bottles.

That is their music, their shyte, and she needs to go and observe, rather than tryin' to conquer.

Anonymous said...

1:26 is a big contradiction. First you say Americans are the worst, then telling us to stop spreading negativity. You have the audacity to speak against Americans on an American website? If this is so beneath you, stay your pompous ignorant ass away.

Anonymous said...

12:47 self check

Anonymous said...

1:26 be careful what you wish for. Rising dictatorships love that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

2:01 PM and 4:48 PM must be one of the 3 bums that got kicked out of destiny's child 6:32 check the server address this site is not American , lol unless its a government site the site has zero nationality

Anonymous said...

12:24 Point is you claim to be from another country criticizing Americans. No need to come here with that. Personally, I believe you are no more than a paid stan because you repeat the same crap on another American site. Just becuse most are not buying into the Beys BS you have a problem. If it was about anyone else,you would not care. Pulease! Not buying your BS either.

Anonymous said...

She can't take that money to hell with her. Thats exactly where shes going. Money ain't everything.

Anonymous said...

2:11 grow up you still believe in fair tales , lol @ think hell really exist i got a bridge in Brooklyn i can sell you

Anonymous said...


You white people have been blessed with the most good fortune in the world and you have the least belief in God. Only when you get sick or faced with death, then you wanna seek out God and when someone dies you wanna blame and question God. You people are spawns of satan.

I don't care how long you live on this earth, you will never find a black athiest.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cosign 7:18 i guarantee her performances will be from older albums or another artists ish ie alanis morissette....she tries sooo hard to be somehing shes not i personally see a lower budget bleached blonde popeye scented rihanna when i see bleachy lately! she reads the blogs best believe that...why has she released 3 or 4 songs from an album that isnt due 2b released for weeks and she isnt even giving proper attn to any of them...just dropn song after song hoping one sticks!! she hasnt seen the phrase number 1 for n e of the ish shes put out and i have sa feeln she never will...can u say #pushback

Anonymous said...

June 4, 2011 2:58 PM im 2:43 and im black , how can a black person believe in god after all our people have been through? and if there is a god its not the Jew/Arab god all those foolish white people, Arab and brains washed blacks believe in. god is for people who don't want to take responsibility for their own action. when anything god happens the thank Jesus and dead man, and when something bad happens they blame the devil. grow up get a education and take responsibility for your own life you only have 1, there is no sequel in the "afterlife"

Anonymous said...

and what about the things that have no explanations, the things we have no control over, the things we aren't capable of taking responsiblity for? what about those huh? if you don't believe in Jesus/God, that's your perogative, but it's equally ludricous to say there is no God when you don't have evidence of his absence

nba is fixed said...

Beyonce knows her time in the spotlight is running out. She and her camp are in panic mode. She thought she was on the same platform as Diana Ross or Whitney Houston. She was dead wrong. Beyonce had better do something quickly or her career will be a distant forgotten memory just like Brandy.

Anonymous said...


You are not black, and your first sentence proves it, A black person would never say."how can a black person believe in God after all our people have been through" thats the way whites think.

white people are the most fearfull people in the world, you walk around fearing everybody because you don't have God inside of you. It amazes me, how scared you people are of other humanbeings. especially blacks.

If you study the bible you will see,the natural order of life, and gain knowledge. white people are responsible for all this turmoil in the world, don't blame it on God. God helps people who seek him out, he help those who help themselves.

WE feel God, he exists, you are spoiled and you want everything,even though you don't deserve it, thats why you don't believe in God.

Anonymous said...

she needs more time to steal other artists routines

a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
a said...

June 4, 2011 10:59 PM im am black im jamaican black living in toronto not all blacks are waste American blacks who live as 2nd class citizens in their own country. your a dumb ass for real. a real black person wouldn't worship any religion not started by blacks. you let the white man confuse you and worship his god giving him power over you . that's why only American blacks are referred to as niggers by all and bunch of fools hating on each other straight crabs

Anonymous said...

I don't see Jamaicans runnin ANYTHING!If your skin is dark ANYWHERE in the suffer as blacks do,you may be in denial....but you a nigger too! lol

Anonymous said...


bitch you foreign blacks kill me talking about American blacks GTFOOH

if it was not for American blacks you motherfuckers couldn't even come to Canada.

Don't make me go in on Jamaicans on this site and I can really go there because I am one! dumb mother fucker

Anonymous said...

@a bitch Jamaicans are second class citizens in their own country you delusional bitch!

you don't even let people who actually look black represent you.

not in your government or even your beauty contestants

a bunch of niggers

a said...

Jamaicans run there own country and not all Jamaican are black dumb shit , but you never here the term African Jamaicans , but in American you have Americans and others like African Americans, why aren't blacks in American just American? you clear don't know shit about Jamaica . niggers are only a American term for American blacks no one else . and Jamaicans have been in Canada since the 1840s way before blacks in the U.S got any rights. shit you American blacks were in enslaved 40s plus more then Jamaicans and some of the last blacks in the world to get out of slavery cause the blacks in the U.S are pussy and couldn't do shit without the white man , till this day you need the white man. when blacks in the U.S get their own country then you guys can talk. until then stfu cause you will always be 2nd class citizens and white washed niggers.

Anonymous said...

you hateful creature. take your butt to church. and furthermore, stop speaking for white people. Millions of white people roll their eyes at the ugliness of racism and will not having any part of it. if i remember correctly Jews and Blacks both put their lives on the line during the Civil Rights Movement. white people don't view blacks as second class, that's only in your head and in the heads of ignorant people that want to perpetuate racism, stereotypes and keep the division going. oh by the way, so you are Jamaican, and you have your own country BUT so what? what have you done lately to better humanity? oh, that's right... nothing you live your life just like everybody else except off course you like to hear the sound of your voice. just because you speak doesn't make you wise. shut up until you can speak with sense.

a said...

its not my job to " better humanity" the fact you say go to church when religion is the number one bringer of hate , and has only brought suffering to billions shows you have no idea what going on in the world . you need to wake up stop believing in fairy tales and see the world for what it really is. grow up . this is the last time im posting on this ive had fun seeing a bunch of idiots get emotional like they're on their periods over nothing bye

Anonymous said...

religion is NOT the number one bringer of hate. you sound like a parrot. you have no thoughts and mind of your own. the people that corrupt religion, just like any other leader that corrupts any institution is the fault. don't blame God and Spirituality. it's not your job to "better humanity" then shut up! if you have no solutions then shut up! if you want to simply be a part of the problem, then SHUT UP! nobody wants to hear you talk all day.

Anonymous said...

11:22am you do know the white man brought blacks to Jamaica (and all the western world) right?

Anonymous said...

June 5, 2011 2:29 PM u know black man took Jamaica from the white man right? but who cares about the past it is the pass and cant be changed and why are people getting so heated over someone opinion on the net? can we get back to beyonce and gossip?

Anonymous said...

@A you can save that shit because Jamaicans are my family

The majority of Jamaicans are black

The majority of black Jamaicans are ran by light brite damn near white people

Most Jamaicans are pure niggerstock as Kola would say

Jamaica only fairly RECENTLY became a place where you could say not all Jamaicans are black

Jamaicans go to London and Canada and act a sheer nigga mess.

You have a grandiose sense of self thing going on but that shit don't work with me because I know Jamaicans to well

You are my family and you are a fucking laughing stock

There are only a few of you that are respectable

And the majority of those are women

stop kidding yourself.And mostly tell Jamaicans to stop trying to be like black Americans

Anonymous said...

Jamaicans come out here, they niggers too. and furthermore why are jamacians coming out here to usa, cause they poor black folks that aint got shit.

Jamaicans dusty poor asses are niggers too.

Anonymous said...


Don't you know that when Caribbean people started emigrating to the U.S., the only people out of them who associated and married with Southerners (Black Americans) were Jamaicans? As my mother would say, only the Jamaicans were low enough.

The most color struck people in the Caribbean are Jamaicans.

The people running Jamaicans are all lighty-light? It is only recently that the light Jamaicans don't treat the black black Jamaicans like slaves (the only good thing about the drug posses)?

It has to do with the plantation system.

And Christianity was started by blacks.

Get an education and stop being so high and mighty and facesty. You are embarrasing me.

Anonymous said...

lol at Christianity was stared by blacks gtfoh , and if it was , its just a bootleg of the jew region anyway nothing to be proud about , oh yea fuck all Americans ,waste country

Anonymous said...

The first christians were black.

Anonymous said...

no the 1st people to fellow Christ were Palestinian, not "black" considering the term black wasn't even used back then. tell me what tribe and region of sub Saharan Africa people came up to Roman controlled Palestine and Israel and followed a Jew? why would blacks want to claim being the 1st fools to believe a lie ?

Anonymous said...

jew is not a religion and nor are they the true isrealites; this is the greatest deception. please really research the history and not this f!ckery of lies that been told for centuries. if text from which we study hold true to our fall and GOD's people, none of those stories have befallen on the lives of the current "jew".

Anonymous said...

do your research idiot the bible is just a bunch of stolen stories from previous religion not including the Jewish faith. noting is original in the christian faith its just a bootleg religion used to control the population mindset. giving people excuses for having a crappy life and not trying because there is will another life in heaven and better then this one. sorry to break it to you there no heaven no hell just the 1 life you have now. your wasting you time having imaginary fried when you ' talk /hear god" grow up

Anonymous said...

@11:25 PM: They were dark people, darker than they are now. No, they didn't consider themselves black, but they were. Please, stop with the semantics.

@3:36: cosign.

Anonymous said...

whoa a bunch of Nazi on this boards , 1st> Jamaican> American blacks, what why your women keep coming for dick to the island. 2nd no jew= no Christianity , get over it its there fucking waste religion , blacks worshiped spirits and many gods not one

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