Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hugh Hefner's Runaway Bride Speaks

Hugh Hefner was supposed to get married this weekend for the third time but his fiance Crystal Harris canceled at the last minute. Chrystal explains why she did it.
Saturday, June 18 was to be the happiest day of Crystal Harris' life. That was the date set for the Playboy bunny's wedding to Hugh Hefner until Harris broke off the engagement. ET's Chris Jacobs sat down with Hef's 25-yr-old former fiancee for details of the split straight from the source.

Through tears, a newly single Harris confides that although she is "relieved," she feels her biggest regret in breaking the engagement was that she "disappointed everybody."

"It happened so fast," she says of her decision to marry Hefner, admitting that the glamorous whirlwind of fame played a large part to what (in retrospect) may have been a hasty decision. "Hef asked me to marry him in front of three cameras and a photographer," Harris explains. "I thought it was something I wanted."

Although Crystal tells Chris she "wouldn't trade [her time with Hefner] for the world," she "needed to be true to [her]self."

Hefner announced the cancellation via Twitter on Tuesday, writing, "The wedding is off. Crystal has had a change of heart."

Likewise, Crystal took to her Twitter page, leaving this comment: "After much deep reflection and thought I have decided to end my engagement with Hef. I have the utmost respect for Hef and wish him the best going forward. I hope the media will give each of us the privacy we deserve during this time."
Jacked from E Online


Anonymous said...

naw, the bitch read the prenup and had a change of heart after she found out she was left out the will.... greedy ass bitch. hef aint no fool, hes leaving everything to his kids

Anonymous said...

dumb ass broad all she had to do is say i do and had alimony check. it wasnt like she had to fukk in every day there is not that much viagra in the world smdh

Anonymous said...

This was a publicity stunt from the jump for ratings. The plan failed when they realized that no one is checking for either of these two or their show.

Anonymous said...

They both dodged the bullet.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:21 Pm : Aren't you a shrewd businesswoman. You're a trooper, I'll give you that.If I was a woman, I'd have too much pride to marry somebody like 3x times my age. Oh, how much loot he got ? You don't say. Still not enough. Thanks pally but no thanks. I'll keep my self-respect and you keep your monies. I'm good.

bogart4017 said... she really loved that old man for his beautiful care-free spirit

Anonymous said...

She would have married a corpse! gross!

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...


nba is fixed said...

This playboy hoe is only 25? She looks like she is 45!

Anonymous said...

^^^Yup she looks old as hell!

Anonymous said...

Holly would have gone through with it in a heartbeat! Shit she wanted him to impregnate her so she was down for whatever. Eeeewww I could not ride or blow an old cock, even getting it from behind would make me sick ( knowing what's pumping behind me) but that would always be my sex position if I had to get it in by a corpse. I bet he takes long slow strokes too :-/

Anonymous said...

You know, I think the real reason she called off the wedding is because Hef told her once they were married she would have to have real sex with him, and not just a hand job or BJ and she got freaked out just thinking about having to have sticking his old man d*ck in her, all she could think of was running! lmfao

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