Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jennifer Williams Done with Athletes

Basketball Wives Jennifer Williams vows she'll never be a basketball wife again.
Less than a week after officially pulling the plug on her marriage, Jennifer Williams is back on the dating scene. But the VH1 reality vixen has one rule as a single gal — no more sports stars! “I’m definitely dipping my foot back into the dating pool and am liking it,” Jennifer tells In Touch, “but I’m definitely staying away from athletes!”

It’s understandable that the Lucid cosmetics owner wants to nix the players — her ex, former NBA star Eric Williams, has confessed to cheating on his wife, and a woman even accused him of fathering her child during his marriage to Jennifer, which he denies.

So what is the latest with Jen’s love life? “There is actually one guy I went out with recently, and it’s the first time I can honestly say that I would go on a second date!” she gushes. “I’m definitely not ready for a relationship, but a second date is a good step. I am getting back on my feet, and I know what I want.” On the last episode of Basketball Wives, Jen went on a blind date with a model named Eric, but unfortunately for him, Jennifer didn’t feel the need for a follow-up. After separating in February, Jennifer served Eric with divorce papers in New Jersey on June 24.

Jacked from In Touch


Anonymous said...

This broad damaged goods anyway. She need to consider herself lucky she don't got to ask niggas to go out. Wackness confirmed.

bogart4017 said...

Those contacts give her a weird look.

Anonymous said...

without the weave and contacts and makeup this broad is ugly and basic

Anonymous said...

Well what athlete would want her now anyhow?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Black Woman do your thang.......Business Owner, Reality Star & Independent......F&ck these HATERS.

Oh It's OK for Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj & everybody else to wear weaves & contacts & the sheeple think their soooooo sexy.

Anonymous said...

^^^"they are" not their

SaysomethinJennifer! said...

She needs to date a A.)psychiatrist- to help her with the delusions of grandeur she is clearly suffering from.'re not that important. You're famous for having an athlete cheat on you. Or, B.)speech therapist- to teach her how to speak properly, the baby-valley girl voice is annoying. Or, C.)optometrist- so he can fit her with a nice pair of glasses and she can stop wearing those stupid colored contacts...and finally D.)Evelyn- cause both them bitches are all about drama and seem to think the world wants to be them...they can fill each other's heads with stupid compliments and take naked pics of each other to "leak" on the internet.

Before you all start, no, I'm not a "hater". I just call it what it is, this bitch is irritating and needs to get her head out of the clouds. Nobody is checking for her like she thinks. But I will say, it's entertaining to read about these stupid chicks.

Anonymous said...

She will be dating Evelyn next

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Black Woman do your thang.......Business Owner, Reality Star & Independent......F&ck these HATERS.


Anonymous said...

Evelyn is that you? Jennifer please take a public speaking course. Educate yourself please and next time do a better presentation of your makeup line

Anonymous said...

yup,i feel that dikey thing in her wonder Eric was cheating,..she a lesbo.

Anonymous said...

My question is: When was Eric a NBA superstar? I've never heard of him until this show and I love basketball!

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:17. What the fuck do you look like without make-up?

Anonymous said...

Agreed, she doesn't have to be through with them because they are through with her. The blue contacts are atrocious (and rediculous on ALL the celebs mentioned above who are trying everything to look so damn European, but I digress). I welcome them all back to the dark side. You know, where they were before the fame?

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