Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis Grope Each Other

Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunia made fun the dating rumors surrounding them by groping each other at the MTV Movie Awards.
Justin's getting grabby!

At Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, Justin Timberlake had a hands-on moment with his Friends With Benefits costar, Mila Kunis, when they presented the night's first award for Best Male Performance.

"Even though we're in the movie Friends With Benefits, we've never dated," Timberlake, 30, told the audience. Added Kunis: "We're like brother and sister."

To demonstrate their platonic bond, Timberlake -- who Us Weekly reported was "absolutely obsessed" with Kunis during filming -- went right ahead and felt her up.

"[We have a] totally platonic relationship, which is why I can do this," he said as he grabbed her boobs. In return, Kunis, 27, cupped his genitals.

Presenting the award to Twilight's Robert Pattinson, Timberlake couldn't resist making one more joke after Kunis uttered the famous "and the winner is…" phrase. "I think we just found out," Timberlake said with a chuckle. "What a shameless reference to my penis!"

Despite their on-stage antics, Kunis has said she had a bit of trouble disrobing in front of Timberlake for the flick, out July 22.

"It's very awkward. I mean, the truth is, we got to have very uncomfortable scenes for two weeks," she told Ellen DeGeneres in December. "There's like 150 crew men watching and you see each other's bits and pieces. The whole thing is just wrong!"

Tell Us: Were Justin and Mila's MTV antics funny or did they go too far?
Jacked from Us 


Anonymous said...

jt gets any women he want to dip in lucky mofo all he had to do was hang around niggas , now theses white chicks think he has a big dick by association

Anonymous said...

So, I guess kids can't watch this show either. SMFH

nba is fixed said...

First Halle then Rosario now Mila grabbing on men's crotches. Just another cheap pathetic way to promote their upcoming movie. F*ck hollywood!

Anonymous said...

it's the MTV MOVIE AWARDS people! Since when has MTV been appropriate for young kids? I'm 31 and that ship sailed YEARS ago. MTV never claimed to be a family friendly channel nor did they advertise their award so as such so what's with surprised comments? It's not the first time a stuntn was pulled, it won't be the last. Get over it and move on, OR just ignore it and teach your kids instead of expecting celebrities to be the models of morality and values. Smh @ the fact that I even had to comment to these comments. SMDH

nba is fixed said...

@ 4:55: Nevertheless, kids watch this vile demonic shit. You don't think MTV markets to children, what about shows like "16 and pregnant", "Jersey Shore", "Teen Mom", "Teen Mom 2". Tell me who is the majority group watching these shows? It's not grown folks.

bogart4017 said...

Frat boy antics are only funny when you're a frat boy.

Anonymous said...

Ok so how will he back pedal on this once enough people start tripping about it--oh wait that chick aint nearly as pigmented as Janet...

Anonymous said...

She has a handful of goat meat, because he looks like a retarded goat, and he has handsful of annoying character she played on that 70's show.

Anonymous said...

Where was the censors when he grabbed another female's breasts in public on tv again, huh, he owes Janet Jackson some money from the superbowl 2004 had her apologizing and shit and paying big money when this pussy can't keep his damn hands to himself.

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