Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lady Gaga Second Week Sales Plunge

Lady Gaga sold over a million copies of her new cd 'Born This Way' after selling it for 99 cents on iTunes. The next week when the price went to regular cost she didn't sell anywhere near that many.

Is Lady Gaga really “Born this Way”? After a spectacular first week of sales, with almost 1.2 million copies of her CD and downloads sold, the second week shows a big fall off.

“Born this Way” sold only 169,387 copies last week. That’s a drop of 85% from the first week. It’s important to remember that 440,000 of those first week sales were only for 99 cents. So the fall off is really less, I guess. But if we stick the official numbers, “Born this Way” is in swift decline.

Compare that to Adele, who “21″ album was only off 4% last week. That album continues to sell and sell. One reason is that Adele’s album is strong all the way through. It’s unclear what kind of”legs” the Lady Gaga collection really has: so far it’s spawned just one real hit, the title track. The rest of the album is monotonous. Watching Anderson Cooper’s piece on “60 Minutes” this past Sunday didn’t help.

While Stefani Germanotta is confident and smart, she is also overbearing. The costumes. the pretense, the posing to be more Madonna than Madonna–it’s too much. Gaga believes more is more. This may play her out very quickly. She’s reinventing herself at the speed of ADD. Quite clearly, the songs don’t matter-it’s the statement, the look, the attitude. Her supporters argue that she sings and actually plays the piano and writes songs. But that’s getting lost. If sales drop again next week by huge numbers, Lady Gaga may have to lose the egg.
Jacked from Showbiz 411


Anonymous said...

anything over 60% plunge means the record company bought albums. only rap albums have 60% plunge cause the 1st week is always so hyped, lol beyonce and rihanna never lost 85% of her fans the 2nd week. what album that did 1 million st week did do at least 400k the next week? name one? only gaga talentless music can do that. i guess people smarten up and realized without the videos the songs suck .come to think about it 85% plunge from 1st to 2nd week might be a world records for largest sales plunge. there no doubt that interscope bought records

nba is fixed said...

This no talented illuminati puppet will be broke in five years.

Anonymous said...

at least akon getting his gwop. but i cant wait till she don , i liked her 1st album , but monster was a step down and born this way is bad simple as that , shit kesha makes bettrr songs even katty sellout perry makes better songs now. she need to put the coke , stop side hating beyonce and find a song writer cause she can write for shit. oh yea the Madonna thing has already been done to death

nba is fixed said...

Lady Gaga worships the devil!

Anonymous said...

worshiping the devil is pointless only god has power the devil cant offer you anything . if you read the bible the devil has never once given out money , fame etc for worship /soul. a bunch of idiots love spreading bs

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

seems quite suspicious







Anonymous said...

nobody buys cds anymore unless they got money to burn and last i checked, everyone is going broke. they sending swat teams in people houses for unpaid student loans. check on worldstarhiphop for that video.something big about to happen between the federal govt and the american people soon. it has to.

Anonymous said...

gag sales dropping just shows America is flopping as well. lol that Americans are still affected buy 2008,up here in Canada we are recession free , wages are increasing , benefits , that that happens you don't vote in dictators every 4 yrs but have an actual government run a country, oh yea don't forget free health care. plus our dollar is worth more then yours all well. and our minimum wages is higher to. anyone making less then 10$/hr is a salve

Anonymous said...

cheating ass bitch! she wouldn't have sold half as much as she did if she didn't practically give her album away. 99 cents really gaga?!... singles on iTunes cost more than that! Her new album was awful antways and i still wouldn't have got it. 99 cents is still to much money for her sorry bootleg 80's/madonna rip off music!

Anonymous said...

she sucks. you mean to tell me she was selling her album for only a dollar and still all she could sell was 1 million copies... Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

@1:12 after all that and still no one gives a fuck about Canada! No one I repeat NO ONE talks about Canada. Its practically the most useless country in the modern world! Since when has Canada been in the world news for anything interesting?.... (Don't worry I'll wait)

Anonymous said...

@ 2:58 how the unemployment line, no no health care going for you? American are in the news for losing to china, having bunch of Muslim with stones beating your country at wars. shit does America even get news about the outside world? your country is in a bubble bunch of red necks spics, and niggers. your education system sucks , your men are gay cause they love going to prison ,your country is a big joke around the world. Canada is America if America was successful

Anonymous said...

@8:45 umm... first off you must be really stupid if you believe every single person in America is unemployed and/or doesn't have health care. They're actually a great deal of us who were not seriously effected by the recession. The news always finds a way of focusing on the bad and blowning it way out of proportion. Our Unemployment isn't even close to half of our countries population so STFU! 2nd even after all the bad stuff you named America is still more relevant than Canada ever was and ever will be! Even in our tough times millions of people all over the world still leave their home countries to come HERE! Don't be mad at me because you live in a bitch ass soft country. Canada knows its place, and they know they will get blown off the globe if they ever stepped out of line!

PS If you hate America so much then why are you on a U.S. gossip site that predominately talks about American celebrities?!... It must be because theres nothing else to do in wack ass Canada

Anonymous said...

I like Canada and have been wanting to live there for a while and I am American. I have been doing a lot of research and Canada has a lot of guidline and restruction that protects there citizen more.

Anonymous said...

check the site serve bitch , its not in the u.s unless the sites says isn't not us your dumb shit

Anonymous said...

Canada is America pimp. we use you for a lot of shit and then sell you oil at high prices and give nothing back . America is just Canada hoe. what does America get from Canada? nothing but Canada takes so much from America, and Canadians have high standards of living all around better then American. America can keep you brains washing patriotism, worshiping a flag, and immortalizing a bunch of womanizing, racist slavery owners who were to cheap to pay taxes , oh yea can you stop bastardizing the English language as well. lol.

Anonymous said...

All these wack ass Canadians can kiss my ass Canada is for boring ass dick sucking fags. Yall talking about how much yall hate America yet yall on a site that talks mostly about American celebrities? Canada is never in the world news, not for anything bad or good. Face facts the world looks at yall as a non mother fucking factor! at 12:01 Canada gives us nothing because their wack asses have nothing to give so sit the fuck down!

Anonymous said...

Canadians should watch these clips

Anonymous said...

Canada who?...

Anonymous said...

Canada is for tree hugging, moose loving HOMOS!

Sorry just stating facts :^)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

USA BITCHES!!! Keep fucking around and we'll do you like we did Osama!!! USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Canada is gay, its the softest country in the entire world!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol yall aint have to go H.A.M. on poor old Canada like that. But let me just say this

FUCK A DAMN CANADA ITS ALL ABOUT AMERICA BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Judging by your poor spelling, Canada may need more funds for education. Here's a tip-if you're trying to make a sound argument, spell properly and you'll be taken seriously.

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