Sunday, June 5, 2011

LaLa Hosting Bachelorette Party for Kim Kardashian

LaLa returns the favor by hosting bff Kim Kardashian's bachelorette party.
Payback is not a bitch when it comes to LaLa Vazquez and Kim Kardashian. A source tells us Carmelo Anthony's wife will host Kardashian's upcoming bachelorette party, location to be determined. The bootylicious Kim, who got engaged to Net Kris Humphries on May 18, is hoping for a summer wedding. Kardashian hosted Vasquez's bachelorette party at Las Vegas' Tao nightclub last May before she wed the now-New York Knick.
Jacked from NY Daily News


Anonymous said...

At first glance the title looked like Lala hosing Kim's bachelorette party. To be honest I like my title better LOL.

Anonymous said...

Kim trys to hard to pout. I like Mrs. Anthony's smile.

Anonymous said...

two media whores... one already married to a gay man and the other about to marry a down syndrome boy... lawd help us if they breed.

nba is fixed said...

Message to all college athletes about to turn pro. Stay away from gold digging groupie hoes like these two. If you don't you may wind up broke just like Antoine Walker, Shawn Kemp, Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, Akili Smith and Ki-Jana Carter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Anonymous said...

Lala's nose looks like the tip has been chipped off and Kim shot up her lips with botox. Two phony hoes!!!

They are so busy getting blogs like this to talk about them and stay in the prees that their men stay fucking around!

Anonymous said...

Does everybody see that Gossip is always talking about Kim K and her fam? She paid GJ off.

The other blogs don't even focus on the Kardashian's anymore!

Anonymous said...

I am soooooo glad that Solange stopped hanging with this fake broad! She will have to hide too when Melo's other baby's mama comes out!

Anonymous said...

Do you notice that Kim's sisters don't even care enough to help with the bridal shower?

Kourt and Malika threw Khloe's party and Khloe will probably do the same for Kourt.

Kim had to go outside to her boring ass friend. Sad, sad, sad. Why? Because they are desperate like her and go to the extreme to make everyone think they are happy when obviously, they are not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


nba is fixed said...

It is so obvious that Gossip Jacker is on Kim Kardashian's payroll. The question is how much is she paying you guys?

Anonymous said...

Kim's face looks hella weird in that pic, especially her nose. She needs to quit it with the plastic surgery. Without makeup and up close, she probably looks crazy with all her scars. I don't think this broad goes anywhere without some cover-up foundation. The public has yet to see her natural bare face, she's not gonna let that happen.

Anonymous said...

So what if GJ is on KK's payroll, the post are hardly favorable. So she's paying (if its true) to hear how we really feel. She's wasting her money not mine.

Anonymous said...

i dislike Kim as much as i dislike sitting inbetween two fat obese people with no room to breathe or move but first ya'll say Reggie don't want her but when she attempts to move on, ya'll say she's faking being happy or it's not going to make Reggie stop her from getting married. live and let live people, maybe she really does like Chris and he likes her back, and they really are marrying for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

@9:17AM - Obviously, you are GJ! It does matter if you're on her payroll because you are biased and a fake ass blog. Also, you're constantly talking about this boring ass chick. They don't get the shine like they use to on other blogs because they are PLAYED out!

These post have been nothing but favorable. I use to think you would put out the juice on them and everyone else, but KK's post are MORE favorable with lies than others.

What did you say GJ, "She's wasting her money not MINE." Mine right, yeah that's right GJ- yours!!!

Anonymous said...

Gossip Jacker has been EXPOSED!!! Kim K ass kisser!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, it's like that Gossip Jacker! Talking about this bitch all of the time will not help her career, help her sing better, help her get rid of her Herpes nor help her from sucking dicks. The End!

Anonymous said...

10:07AM You are really dilusional Kim, Lala or KK's friend!

Anonymous said...

@9:17AM - Obviously, you are GJ! It does matter if you're on her payroll because you are biased and a fake ass blog. Also, you're constantly talking about this boring ass chick. They don't get the shine like they use to on other blogs because they are PLAYED out!

These post have been nothing but favorable. I use to think you would put out the juice on them and everyone else, but KK's post are MORE favorable with lies than others.

What did you say GJ, "She's wasting her money not MINE." Mine right, yeah that's right GJ- yours!!!
I wont try to convince you that I am not GF, so to that fuck you.
And to the post being favorable I meant the comment post not the post itself, my mistake for thinking you might have a brain.

Anonymous said...

GJ not GF ^^^

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