Saturday, June 25, 2011

Long Live the King of Pop

Two years ago today Michael Jackson died from acute propofol intoxication.
Today marks the second anniversary since MJ physically left us. Still a little hard to digest. Two years since we lost one of our generation’s greatest entertainers, and a lifetime to reflect on and celebrate this man’s life achievements, musical legacy, new artists he gave rise to and so much more.

Rest In Power, MJ.
Jacked from Two Dope Boys

Micheal Jackson 'Ain't No Sunshine'


Anonymous said...

Love you Michael!!

Anonymous said...

Been a fan for most of my life. Will be one for the rest of it. Extraordinary human being and entertainer.
Love you MOST Michael.

Anonymous said...

Mike didn't want to be what does that tell you?

Wake up!

Anonymous said...

RIP King of Pop!

Anonymous said...

This drug addict killed himself by over
injecting that propofol.

The only thing that Dr Murray is guilty of is bringing the shit into the house. but Michael would have found another way if that doctor refused.

There are lots of doctors that should be on trial regarding this drug addict.

Michael injected himself, he never take or have ever taken responsibility for his dumb actions.

MJ died looking non black, and looking like a white woman with a clef implanted chin, and a lacefront wig.

This is a person that didn't want to be black, made sure he didn't have black kids, made sure the people he involved himself with were non black, made sure he did date black women.

Don't blame Joe Jackson's ass whippin' because of the way Michael was, Michael saw the white side of the world and that is what he wanted.



Those kids would still be in veils with their face covered if Michael was alive, maybe him being dead is for the best of his "white" kids, (don't get it twisted, Michaels penis nor sperm created any of those kids..........NONE)

Jealousy is an ugly thing said...

2:50 and 11:20 is the same racist ass posting on black blogs about MJ. You don't know and never knew MJ so ranting your lies and spewing your hate won't change the minds of those that truly loved him and not just his music. Whether those kids were his biologically or not is of no concern of yours. They called him dad and adored him and that is all that matters to and them. You care less what you think or feel. And anyone with a third of brain and a 'D' in science would know there is no way MJ could have injected himself with the propofol.

Anonymous said...

Love you Michael!! Miss you more every single day. 6:01, ignore fools like the one above. They are not worth responding to.

Hate is an ugly thing said...

11:20 Fuck you

Why are you worried about others giving MJ props and paying homage to him at this time? You are not schooling any damn body on anything. Know this.

MJ4life said...

You are loved Michael Jackson by all of your fans. We will continue to love you regardless of what others have to say. They don't determine who we love or respect. You are the best! Not only as an entertainer, but also as a human being.

Love you most!!

Anonymous said...

Mike hated being black, know this! He even got a nigger wake up call and still hated being black!

James Brown was the greatest black entertainer and he never denied his blackness!

CaliGirlTex said...

We miss you Mike. FUCK ALL HATERS

Anonymous said...

MJ never hated being black man and once SAID he was honored to be black (on YT). Forget the nonsense haters try to spread about him. Racist fucks have nothing else to do.

King of Music!! Remembered always!!!

Anonymous said...

James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis Jr were MJ mentors.

4MJ said...

"The man who was the world’s greatest cheerleader, humanitarian and philanthropist was turned into a dark figure in the collective memory of the twentieth century and that hurts. It is especially vile when the realization hits that the dismembering of this gentle man was perpetrated only for profit."-Barbara Kaufman said...

No one knows the demons that tormented Michael to make the physical changes that he made to himself. At the end of the day, what needs to be remembered is he was a person with feelings, and thoughts. His talent and contribution to society were imesurable, and he will always be remembered as the king. Feel how you want to about the person-but the entertainer? Can never be denied r.i.p.

Anonymous said...

What a total freak! Sleeping in bed with kids!

MJtheBest said...

^^Tabloid reader/believer. However, would remain mum if anyone brought up anything about ol Elvis. How old was Prissy when she went to Graceland? MJ was neither a freak or pedophile as the lying media made him out to be. Not everyone fell for the BS.

Miss you MJ. Love you the most!!!

So True said...

Worth a repeat:

The man who was the world’s greatest cheerleader, humanitarian and philanthropist was turned into a dark figure in the collective memory of the twentieth century and that hurts. It is especially vile when the realization hits that the dismembering of this gentle man was perpetrated only for profit."-Barbara Kaufman

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