Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tea Time

Jacked from a random message board
I am 30 years old and act like a vain and self-obsessed 13-year old. My dream was always to become a princess, but instead I became a porn star but I still think I am a princess. My body is full of plastic surgery. My boobs, azz, lips, teeth, cheeks, nose, facelift etc. are all bought and paid for, courtesy of a plastic surgeon. The reason why my hair is beautiful is because its fake. I was also jealous of Paris Hilton and put out a SEX TAPE because she did. I idolized Paris Hilton. I used to hang on her like a koala bear all the time, to get my picture taken by the paparazzi. Until 2007 I did cocaine. I know there are pictures as proof, but I will deny it forever.

My pimp mother, Kris, did the pool boy while my father, Robert Kardashian, was at work. He was one of the lawyers that helped keep OJ Simpson out of jail after he killed Ron Goldman and his ex-wife Nicole. Anyway, the result was my pathetic half gorilla sister Khloe, who is a whore just like me. Whenever my mouth is moving I am lying, as I am INCAPABLE of telling the truth about anything. I pretend that if I lie about things people will eventually believe it. The way I walk, talk, and laugh is fake; and if you look into my eyes you can even see that my soul is fake.

Although I pretended to be upset by the sex tape, I was the one that sent it to Vivid Entertainment, and they paid me $5 million to expose my nasty self. Ray J had nothing to do with the leaked sex tape. I tricked him into making a porn film with me for distribution. The orgasm is of course fake because thats how they do it in cheap porn films. My former publicist, Jonathan Jaxson, knows what happened! I am just waiting for him, and many more, to come out and reveal how I really am.

I also pretended to be surprised when my boytoy, Kris Humpries, proposed evev though i orcchestrated everything..

I exploit my FAKE body all of the time because I lack intelligence, class, dignity, self-respect, elegance, and morals. I really am a very dirty woman.

My ex husband Damon Thomas whom I married at the age of 19 in Las Vegas publicly called me: untalented, a trashy whore, desperate, a plastic surgery addict, a backstabber (to my family), and a cheater. I have no real friends because I have misused and stepped on everybody that has come my way for fame. I am currently using social medias to snake my way in to other celebrity’s lives for friendship and publicity. I show up like a diva to all kind of award shows that I have NO business at all to attend. The only award show I should attend is the AVN. I call the paparazzi myself. I learned that trick from Paris Hilton, but I’m too cheap to buy their lunch like she does.

I am 25% iranien and 25% Turkish but armenian sounds better. I am a huge shame for the armenian people.

I have NO talent what so ever. I was thrown off Dancing with the Stars on the second week. I made a work out video that clearly shows I have never worked out in my life. I did a test shoot for Playboy, but after seeing the proofs they refuse to acknowledge me. I got a Razzie for my horrendous performance in the parody Disaster Movie. I should have gotten one for my sextape as well. My song JAM, I have no words for. It is the most annoying and pitiful song in history. I sing like an unmusical, tone deaf, four year old who wants a cookie from Grandma. Anybody who don’t like me for the rotten and lying whore that I am I call haters or jealous!

We, the Kardashians, call each other dolls, and I alone have tainted the pussycat dolls by heisting their concept. I pretend that I care about others, but I could not care less. I only care about myself. I tried to scam children by selling them an insane debit Master Card with predatory fees. It was unfortunately taken off the market after 1 week under threat of legal action from several states. Thankfully I found a new way to rip off the kids with glam silly bandz. Over weight children should skip normal diet & exercise and do shady diet pills or lipo-suction like me.

I Stole $120k from Ray J and Brandy’s mother, Sonja Norwood, credit card. After being busted I paid her back with the money I got from the sex tape I made with her son. That’s the circle life, Mrs. Norwood. The clothes at Dash are pure knock offs from top brands and designers. I don’t even know how to sew on a button or sketch anything. But I call myself a fashion designer. The logo on my perfumes is a complete rip of from Korcula creator Lindley Bertin.

I have publicly said that i DONT drink alcohol ,but still i endorse midori Licquer and i have been **** drunk on TV.

The endorsement deal i am most proud of is Public Toilets. I will endorse ANYTHING for money and publicity.

For World AIDS Day I went off social media until my fans had raised $1M.

I was confident that within 12 hours I would be back. Seven days later I had to be bailed out by a billionaire who wanted to spare me shame. This is how much my «fans» value and missed me.

I have never been single because I am to scared to spend time with myself. I am looking very much forward to the day my grand children sits on my lap and ask me if I am an anal porn star because that’s what everybody in kindergarten will say.

I also love to flaunt my gigantic fake hippo azz. It’s my calling card for any rich Black man that wants to ram my azz hard and move on! Evan Ross, Marquis Houston, Scott Storch, Fabolous, The Game, Nick Cannon, Nick Lachey, Tyson Beckford, William ‘Ray J’ Norwood, Reggie Bush, Christiano, Chengo (The Bodyguard is one of my favorite movies ever) Miles Austin, Gabriel Aubry (only because everybody said I was only into black guys) Kanye West, and soon Kris Humpries; are just a FEW of the men that have ALL f...ed AND dumped me. They know that I am trash and that brings their reputations down to the gutter with mine. I will f..k anyone for publicity. I have had many STDs, but the only one I have now is herpes. I am pathetic, plastic, and terribly insecure. I am the worst «rolemodel» that has ever walked this planet.

I am a national and international joke, and gave out my own SEX TAPE to get famous. I am a human toilet. I am clearly a very sick human being and I’m 100% shameless. I am the filthiest famewhore in the whole wide world!

I am Kim Kardashian… Superstar


bogart4017 said...

That post took a lot of effort.

Anonymous said...

LOL this tea is cold! we already knew this about the whore


I AGREE 1000%

Anonymous said...

who gives a shit, not new info

Anonymous said...

This jack was wack.

Anonymous said...

Just another bitter, ugly woman who can do nothing but hate on a woman that she has never met and spew internet GOSSIP that's never been proven and has been out there FOREVER. And not that it makes a difference, she was not only in Playboy, but had the cover, so why don't you sit your jealous ass down. Idiot. I just wasted two minutes of my life that I will never get back.

And no, I'm not one of the Kardashihos, I honestly can't stand them and think they're a waste of space and should all jump into a volcano, simultaneously. I just can't STAND when an obviously bitter ho recycles internet gossip as if they know something. GTFO, you jealous witch. Don't hate her hustle, get your game up and make yours.

Anonymous said...

OH stfu kim. (4:07)

Anonymous said...

The Kardashians. Love them or hate them, you have heard of them. Thats all they need.

Anonymous said...

@4:07 I really don't see why anybody would be jealous of kim.

All somebody needs to do if they want to get on her level physically is to get surgery.You can get surgeries in other countries from certified real surgeons for cheaper than you get it in America.

They too could release a sex tape.Find a way to start hanging around other socialites and get fame and a show.

There are other women who have actually done and ARE doing what kim has done.Have you seen all those white girls on their very own reality show,with their plastic surgeries and fake teeth and hair,mingling with well known socialites,and are now working in the fashion industry?

Anonymous said...

@4:51 LMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@The Kardashians. Love them or hate them, you have heard of them. Thats all they need.

Everybody has heard of Superhead, Amber Rose, and Montana Fishburne. And everybody knows that they're all NASTY ASS HOs. So what's your point?

Anonymous said...



If you don't like what is being said about you, clean your nasty ass up. Stinkin, pissy ass HO!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe I read all of it....I was wondering where Khloe came from...everything about her is just different.

nba is fixed said...

@5:15- There are many talented legitimate stars that are jealous of Kim. The hollywood demonic cult is all about popularity, sex, drugs and scandal. Yes Kim is all of those things. I bet my next paycheck most of these real actors and singers had the publicity, money and fame that Kim has. The owners of this country want to control us by turning no talented dumb reality show sluts into stars. Reality tv is non-union and cheaper to produce than sitcoms, one hour dramas and movies. For some reason children and teens want to see this reality tv bullshit. This is the reason why Academy Award winner Rese Witherspoon criticized Kim at the MTV awards. Actual stars like her are being overshadowed by hoes like Kim. It's a damn shame!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

Sweety I've been telling you this same thing for years. I'm tired of men coming in and out of our lives. You've stretched me to the max and I don't believe their is any going back. Your actions have made me sick and every now and then I break out just from the stress. Please don't marry Kris because I don't think I can handle the size of his future children's heads.


Your Vagina

Anonymous said...


People have been saying Khloe isn't Roberts kid for years. She looks more like Bruce and some people think she might be his but the 2 other daughters Kris had with Bruce don't look like Shrek.

hey cutie said...

khloe kardashian is nicholas cages daughter look at his son. He and khloe look just alike

Respeck My Gossip said...

@ 4:07 Hate I hate seeing Kim Kardashian face every damn minute. All she did was suck Ray J joy stick and her ass became well known. This is a fucking gossip blog if you do not like then leave but telling by your basic ass post you will not leave. Humor me what the hell does the bitch do instead of shoving her fake ass relationship in the media. Kim talking in her got damn horribe baby voice. Obsess over Reggie Bush. Flaunt her fake ass booty in her hire parazzi photos. If you do not like here then leave. Kim whore bag Kardashian is the biggest hater the bitch thought cooking soul food and getting ass injection was going to keep Reggie Bush ass. Wrong. Now Kim whore bag is looking like a lost damn pound puppy because she could not snag Reggie. Do not get me started on the Kardashians fucked up family. Kim is a nobody but a fake slut who suck dicks to get to the top.

Respeck My Gossip said...

@ 4:07 I forgot to mention Kim Kardashian is an ugly miserable bitch. Halle Berry, Megan Good, Gabrielle Union give that botox using bitch a run for her money. Tell Kim her long ass face is going to fall off if she keeps geting botox. I see why Kim wears tons of makeup because the bitch looks broke down. I cosign about tea nothing surprises me about Kim Ho dashian I will be eager to spread my legs as long as the pay is good.

Anonymous said...

@407 This sounds like one of those ugly horse face twins that hang with these trashy broads. That TEA was long as hell but so TRUE. What does this B&tch actually do beside f%ck & make garbage toilet water & sweatshop clothes???? Now she suppose to be knocked up, but by who??? Dude came out & said he can prove he slept with her. This trick is too messy for words. Now her & old hoe ass momma Kris, mad cause dude is messing with their E! channel money.

Anonymous said...

This "tea" was a rehash of shit we already know. Don't use old tea bags and try to fool us like this shit is new.

TheBarberLady said...

@ 5:15
There ate plenty of fake surgery havin freaks in Hollywood. What you need to succeed is a BEAST like Kris Jenner on your team!! That bitch could sell Starbucks in Hell, ya hear me! It's almost like that's what she's doing now anyway!

Emobi said...

OMG! I totally wanna leave a huge comment about this, but I'm finding it hard to type with my jaw on the keyboard. So gimme a minute to soak this in....I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Like her or not Kim has become famous and whether people like it or not she has a lot of fans. It's crazy but millions of viewers watching their shows and people look up to her. It's insane but that's the reality. So When someone take her time to type all that stuff about her that person do come off as very jealous. The fact that Kim has such a huge impact on OP is not healthy.

Just like with Paris Hilton I take everything Kim does with a grain of salt. They are both famous for absolutely nothing but has become big stars. Kim and Paris will not be around forever though.

Anonymous said...







YoMomma said...

That is wild, but true on so many levels. As they say the TRUTH shall set you free!

Khloe knows that she is their half sister, and Lamar is fucking another chick anyways.

Kris Jenner was a ho from the 70s-80s, she wasn't complaining when she and Nicole were hanging w/OJ snorting coke back in the day.

The key is to not support any of there business ventures thats it. They do not produce quality products so why give in. Period.

Anonymous said...

this is no tea my friend this is common knowledge.

I dont care for kim myself but im not finna sit down and write a book about the bitch and not get paid.It aint worth it. but at the same time i aint mad at this person because kim needs to be exposed.

Anonymous said...

wow the price of fame is steep

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reggie Bush wins!!!

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

11:58 u do realise that randall cunningham is black right? loooooooool

Anonymous said...

This may be rehashed tea, but oh it is a lot to take in all at once! lol
My teacup runneth over!

Anonymous said...

Every Kim K article get an incredible buzz. If you want her to get away stop talking about her. Stop giving her attention. Bloggers will continue to post articles about her because everybody has an opinion and that's exactly what she wants.

Anonymous said...

old tea indeed...may I add that Bruce Jenner is a cross dresser, he likes to wear women lingerie. Kris and the other family members know of this but he was the family's primary support system, so they all over looked it as per Kris request. When Reggie finally dropped Kim for good, she spilled some tea about him to the officials, this is the very reason why he had to return his rings. Kim started having surgeries while married to her first husband, she begged him for the money to do it, she idolized Paris and J.lo, this is where the sex tape and butt implants came from. She was also very jealous of Kourtney, because she felt Kourtney's was more beautiful than her. She was also sleeping(in a relationship)with one of the bothers from 3t(Michael Jackson's nephews) it's also also been rumored she also linked up with papa Joe as well....Kim K+ celebrity association+ butt implants+ sex tape= fame whore...

Anonymous said...

This b*tch has been passed around more than a box of newports at an anti-smoking rally. Like her friend Paris, Kim's 15 minutes are dangerously low & her Momma is doing any & everything to keep her relevant. FAME is a MFer & serves no true reward compared to its consequences. JUST ASK MARILYN MONROE - OH THAT'S RIGHT, SHE'S DEAD.

Some people can't be alone because they don't like themselves.

Anonymous said...

guess lala found out she slept with carmelo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

KIM K CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


EVERYONE, DO NOT SUPPORT THE NEW SEASON OF KUWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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