Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beyonce's 90 Minute Shopping Spree

 Beyonce and her mom cleaned out the shops on a recent shopping spree in London.

Beyoncé, her mom Tina Knowles, and an army of security guards went on a 90-minute shopping spree at Topshop and Selfridges in London yesterday, where they bought normal clothes while normal people gaped at them. According to the Daily Mail, Beyoncé managed to spend £9,000 (over $15,000) without even trying anything on. One witness reported, "It was like that shopping scene out of Pretty Woman. Everyone was gobsmacked at the speed she was choosing clothes." Almost as gobsmacked as we are when she wears them.
Jacked from The Cut


Anonymous said...

Beyonce should be sick of looking at her mom everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hey she worked for it she should spend it however she likes GO BEYONCE!

Anonymous said...

How much of that is her mother going to make into tacky knock offs? This whole family is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

@1:22PM, Are you sick of looking at your mom??? Sad to say but your mom probably wishes you would grow up, get your own place, get a job, take a bath, and stop having babies. Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

Gossip bitch, why is this news?

Beyonce has the money and she can buy what she wants to. SHE HAS EARNED IT!!!

You basic bitches can only dream!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bey, can you spare a sister a dollar???

Anonymous said...

GJ, Remember, you are using this tacky blog to make a living and buy nice things. OR do you want to stay in the ghetto like you use to? Please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Okay, someone "caption this" Julius' expression.

I'll go first...

"Damn, I could wear those."

Thanks, and good night!

Anonymous said...

This blog is only taky when it downgrades and posts about beyuseless. Silly ass stans are hilarious. Talk about Baic bitches. That is definitely the best description for her stans. You don't have to come here and most certainly won't be missed. BYE!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so wasteful....IDC if it is her money...she is showing off,regular people don't spend that much on clothes in 10 off's...this is why people/fans/stans...hate on ALL celebrities....I wish I had the money from an OVERPAID job like B has,to spend on clothes!

Anonymous said...

probably to steal designs her derdon't collection next season.

flwrgurl said...

co-sign 9:15

Anonymous said...

Stop worshipping Beyonce, she doesn't even know you exist.

Anonymous said...

That ugly bitch needs to go spend some time with Solange and give Bey some air, for a couple of days. She acts like she only has 1 daughter.

Anonymous said...

9:15 and nem: Ummm, I don't think "regular" folks shop in the same shops as she does. The patrons in those stores prob has just as much $$ to spend. You ever watch The Realhousewives series and see how much they spend?

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