Thursday, July 7, 2011

Britney Spears Refuses to Hug Her Fans

Britney Spears super fan describes the awkward moment at a meet and greet when Britney Spears denied his request for a hug.

Clay, a big Britney fan and BreatheHeavy reader, asked Britney for a hug during his Meet & Greet before her show in Vancouver Friday night. She said no. Here’s his story:

I was the first in, so they didn’t tell me we weren’t allowed to ask. I asked her and she froze up, she seemed scared.

She said “Um… erm,,, uhhh,” and then looked at Larry. He shook his head no.

BUT I DONT CARE. IT WAS AMAZING ANYWAYS. I told her I loved her, and she said “Awwwwee, thank you!” and said “This tour book is for you! Enjoy the show!”

It was surreal. I still cannot believe it. In shock.

Some fans say they feel for him, others are outraged, some say paying Britney and asking for a hug is prostitution.

What do YOU think?
Jacked from Breath Heavy 


Hello Kitty said...

Omg...she doesn't even look the same!

Anonymous said...

Fans are strangers I wouldn't want them hugging me either,just be happy for the picture.

Anonymous said...

Not only is it re-damn-diculous for anyone to assume that a person should be allowed to invade her personal space just because she's a celebrity, she has psychological issues that may intensify under pressure. We don't know.

And let's not forget about all the crazy fans, the obsessed fans, the over-active fans, that crap can freak a person out.

This is a non-story. Just another attempt to make this woman look bad in the press.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for her fans britney's no talent having ass wouldn't be where she is. You mean they pay 10 dollars for your over produced over auto tuned album, and pay hundreds of dollars to see you lip-sync live and you can't give a 2 second hug?... Fuck her crazy ass if she does not want to be up close and personal with her fans then don't have a meet and greet plain and simple!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:43 AM : Damn, you'd be a mean celebrity (Lol). I say if you're gonna have a meet n greet session w/ your fans, you should be up for daps, pounds, handshakes, and hugs. Kissing babies is also okay as long as they don't have leprosy or something. My only rule would be nothing too crazy, like don't try something you'd catch a sexual harassment case for at work (no groping or fondling allowed unless I say so).

bogart4017 said...

Stay home if you have a social anxiety disorder.



Angelyc_Aries said...

She looks so crazy in that picture

Anonymous said...

I agree with Britney, you don't know what these people have, sweat n shit.

Anonymous said...

@10;50 am.. Well said. I saw the guy from Jodeci group in the late 80's and a fan asked for his autograph for her daughter.Him I dont do autographs. Me. I said Fuck him. Dont buy his shit anymore, so he wont be asked Karma. Look at him Now. Not getting paper!!!

Hug a fan if they support and buy your crap. Fuck you too Britney!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:50 and 11:23, I concur. If it wasn't for the fans, Britney nor any other "celebrity" would have the shine they do. Artist like Rihanna and Nicki Minaj realize this and are very courteous to their fans. Even Usher. So, to Britney, suck it up boo. Get over it. Even if you are thinking in your head, 'I don't want to do this ish', grin and bear it. Cheese!

Anonymous said...

shes so selfish n meann.. thats messed up not wanting to hug big people just beause of their overweightt.. uhh i feel sorry for him.. on the other hand lady gaga doesnt care if ure or obese or anorexic.. she loves u for u.. not appearances.. it only worth paying for if they'll show love back

Anonymous said...

I don't know if its true, but can't you see this bitch is crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

had this been ANY OTHER CELEBRITY yall b#tches would tear them a new asshole! becuz it Britney Spears dirty ass, yall make excuses for her! every sane person knows she is wrong for that bullsh#t, that ungrateful hooker!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her, he looks like he's sweaty, furthermore, I would only hug the cute guys

Anonymous said...

Pop music fans are all fat, gay, unemployed, greasy looking slobs! I don't know how these artists do it. Even the female pop music fans are usually ugly as shit. I saw footage of a Beyonce concert once and I swear it was full of queens and fat hags! Ain't enough money in the world for me to pretend to appreciate those people...

Anonymous said...

She aint gotta hug anybody if she don't want to. Besides,she looking at Larry for answers, so it probably isnt her decision.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what a person's looks have to do with appreciating their support of your career. Too bad common sense ain't all that d*amn common.

Anonymous said...

dude she didnt wanna hug u cuz she cant put her arms around u wtffff i got to hug her i met her too

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