Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Elin Nordegren Furious About Billionaire Boyfriend's Tiger Woods Link

Tiger Woods' ex wife Elin Nordegren is said to be furious that her new lover Jamie Dingman neglected to tell  her he'd previously dated the mistress who broke up her marriage.

After happily being out of the media glare for many months, Elin Nordegren is furious that she’s back in the spotlight — thanks to new boyfriend Jamie Dingman.

It’s all because word got out that the wealthy financier earlier had a fling with Rachel Uchitel — perhaps overlapping with her romp with Tiger Woods when he was Nordegren’s husband.

Even though Dingman’s dalliance with Uchitel predated his relationship with Nordegren, she is devastated she was blindsided by all this — especially since Dingman didn’t tell her about the creepy connection until after the news broke.

“I think she’s worried she’s stumbled on another ‘Tiger,’ ” said a close Nordegren friend Monday.
Jacked from The Sun Times 


Anonymous said...

Bitch please. That thought probably never crossed her mind when she heard he was loaded. I mean, this is the age of advanced technology. You can "google" famous/rich people and learn just about anything you want to know about them, including who they've probably "porked" in the past.Anyway,when it comes to romance, you gotta either take the good with the bad or move on.

Anonymous said...

TYVM@ 3:50 esp since she loaded now too SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE in her camp doing background checks. IF not heads need to fucking roLl!

Anonymous said...

Fuck this bitch and her problems. Paleface greedy ho.

Anonymous said...

If I were a man, the last thing I would want is a white woman. Bitches always whinning and portraying a victim of some sort. SHUT THE HELL UP and go spend your undeserved money.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure with all the chicks Tiger slept with she'll have a hard time finding a guy untouched by one of them unless he is regular and broke. Even regular men can be hoes. Bitch get a grip.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with her wanting to rid herself of this image period. She has moved on but we all learn that picking a partner that you are happy with takes a lot more effort then fking them.
She needs to get over getting a rich man because bish you are rich. She really might not find the right man with the kinds of company that she is keeping because rich people standards are low and they are not the best support system to pick unless money is the only factor that you are looking for.

Anonymous said...

The bitch got paid, now its time for her to stop whinning.

Anonymous said...

Did Elin write her book about being sexually abused yet. All white women have been sexually abused, but other women haven't.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:33 AM: Wow. That was really ignorant of you to say. I just.. wow.
P.S: It was a nigga that wrote this message to you. I'm no uncle tom or no shit like that, but when niggaz throw racist comments back in the face of other races just because they don't like them, it disappoints me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised your a black man, you protect and defend white women and treat black women like dog shit.

Anonymous said...

All three of them are fugly, so who gives a fluck??

Anonymous said...

@ 3:30 PM: (SMH).

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