Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Split

Months ago a blind item from Crazy Days and Nights predicted the break up of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony and once again the Entertainment Lawyer was right.
With her now busy schedule on that very very popular television show and him having lots of time alone to ponder how he likes being the bigger star, it was pretty inevitable that he would start stepping out on her. She might want to talk to that backup singer of his. Just saying.
Jacked from Crazy Days and Nights

Married life is over for Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony.

The Latino power couple, who tied the knot seven years ago and have two children together, announced on Friday afternoon that they plan on divorcing. The couple told People exclusively:

“We have decided to end our marriage … This was a very difficult decision. We have come to amicable conclusions on all matters … It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time.”

The split comes as a surprise to many, especially as they two had several joint projects in the works. In fact, Latino magazine conducted an interview just a few weeks ago in which J.Lo said they were “a good combination.”

Lopez and Anthony are the parents of twins Max and Emme, who are 3 years old. They gave no indication of what their plans are for custody of the children.
Jacked from Celeb Buzz




Anonymous said...

Oh well. I heard J.lo kind of a bitch anyway.

flwrgurl said...

id be a bish too if iwas her!

Anonymous said...

Id be a bitch too if I found out my husband was banging his background dancers!!

CocoluvsMJ said...

Well if Marc was banging his background dancer it would serve Jennifer right. For messing with him while he was still married to his wife (ex-wife)

Anonymous said...

Marc Anthony is just so damn unappealing, he looks like he has aids or cancer. Yuck!!

Anonymous said...

Marc Anthony may look a mess but he is funny as hell and he can sing. Both of those traits can make an ugly man attractive.

Anonymous said...

He was a MARRIED man when they got together.

Listen up you HOMEWRECKING whores, make sure the man has left and divorced his wife before laying up and playing house.

Anonymous said...

Alicia Keys and that whore Gabrielle Union is next.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for them. Both where cheating. Given her track record she is use to moving to the next one. Karma is a b*tch.

Women who choose to be mistresses need to realize your home will never be happy and in fact it will be plagued with drama and insecurities.

Every dog has it's day and I'm quite sure his ex-wife is some where laughing.

The sad thing about this is the children will suffer in the long run.

Anonymous said...

They were blind items about them. It was coming.

Gweneyth Paltrow
Demi Moore + Ashton Kutcher

is coming

Anonymous said...

JLo is a whore! Period.

Anonymous said...

What goes around, comes around.

Anonymous said...

for the one that said alicia keys and gabrielle union are next, go screw yourself. I guess if your miserable you want people you don't know to have the same pathetic life as you.

Anonymous said...

she done lost 2 husbands....iam sorry ,i think Ms. Lo has some serious man issues......he wouldnt been banging outside if she had been on her job inside the house....ladies fuck ya man,cause somebody else will if u dont.

Anonymous said...

^^You cannot be that naive. A woman can give it to him when and how he wants it and he will still mess around if given the opportunity. The issues lie with BOTH.
9:35 must be ol gabby. You act as though you took that comment personal. The comment made was just that person's opinion and just elaborated on karma....what goes around comes around kind of thing. It is a fact.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel bad for JLo. She knew that Marc had gone back to his wife right before he started messing with her. He married JHo 4 days after they finalized the divorce. This is only Karma coming back to bite her in the ass.

Also it's common knowledge that Marc is philanderous in general and a control freak. There are rumors that Marc owes a lot of people money and has a super coke habit. I doubt JLo is leaving him because he was mean or nasty. I believe she's trying to protect herself from his bad finances.

Anonymous said...

for the one that said alicia keys and gabrielle union are next, go screw yourself. I guess if your miserable you want people you don't know to have the same pathetic life as you.

@9:35 PM

Like I said BITCH those two WHORES are next, why you mad bitch, somebody got your man, no misery here, I'm good.

Gabrielle Union
Alicia Keys

are NEXT, fuckem' and you too bitch ^^^

Anonymous said...

dang Leo women have man issues.

halle too.

Anonymous said...

Marc might look like skelator but he's a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better actor and singer than JLo.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer: no more marriages for you, you are a three time loser. You have children now and can't keep running men in and out of your household, in fact you shouldn't have men laying up with you during your childrens' formative years, it sets a bad example. You'll have enough explaining to do as it when other kids tell your twins about your JHo moniker. Once they are older teenagers you can allow yourself to shack up and maybe by that time you will have figured out what it takes to commit to a stable, long term relationship and thus enter into a possible 4th marriage, or if bored you can leave and start all over.

Anonymous said...

Wow another man for this bitch not a surprise she's the biggest skank ever she messed around w.a married man n Idk how marc left his ex for this walking std. His ex was beautiful n classy this kinda girl can be made up outta common latinas she's got no class for handing out her ass

Anonymous said...

considering her acting skills she lasted longer then i thought. she only married him so she could have her Spanish catholic non bastard kids, but she a known whore and could only act so long , 7 yrs was her limit and now she will move on to a younger man , i doubt she every marries again, but i guarantee diddy hits it again , shit he might let cassie hit it too

Anonymous said...

oh he a coke whore,..thats why he always look like that......

Anonymous said...

the news is out this dirty hoe JLO heated on him, she a nasty bitch , i hope she gets what she deserved

bogart4017 said...

No hate here---i wish them both much happiness in the future. Sorry things didnt work out.

Anonymous said...

The blogs are reporting she's been creeping with the Latino actor William Levy who is leaving his wife, hmmm...

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