Friday, July 29, 2011

Jesse James Kat Von D Break Up Caused by a Woman

Jesse James and Kat Von D's broken engagement is said to have been over another woman.
The somewhat surprising breakup of Jesse James and Kat Von D was sparked by a blowout fight over another woman, according to Radar Online.

According to an eyewitness, Jesse and Kat had an argument outside of her L.A. home Monday about another woman before Kat told him to leave.

“They were outside and I could hear them fighting. Kat kept throwing some woman’s name out and saying she didn’t like him living so far away.”

Jesse finally said, ‘Fine, f**k you!’ and sped away on his bike," the source said. "Kat sat in her Bentley with her head on the steering wheel.”

“It was clear from the tone of the conversation that Kat Von D was accusing Jesse of something with this other woman,” the eyewitness said.

“So it didn’t surprise me when I heard they’d broken up.”

For the record, this is not confirmed, so assuming Jesse cheated on Kat - while understandable - is probably premature without more details.

Kat said only this on Twitter:
“I am no longer w Jesse, and out of respect for him, his family and myself, thats all the info I'd like to share. Thanks for respecting that."

Jesse was caught being unfaithful with numerous women while married to Sandra Bullock, leading to their divorce on June 28, 2010.

Just two months later Jesse was dating Kat and they became engaged on January 20, 2011, before calling it off just a few days ago.
Jacked from The Hollywood Gossip 


Anonymous said...

Karma is a bitch! With every home-wrecker they have this mentality this will "never" happened to me.

A lesson for all ho's find a man of your own. Preferably one that is not married.

Anonymous said...

She wasn't the reason for his breakup and was no where near him at the time it happened.

The only thing she did wrong was by thinking her love could make someone better.

Get your facts straight and stop being a bitch.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I mean I am really shocked, I would have never thought that this would happen to Kat!

Just Kidding :}

Anonymous said...

Trust me if you called me a bitch to my face you would not be standing. Clearly calling someone a bitch behind a computer clearly shows your cowardliness.

Trust me if i knew where you lived i promise you i would happily take a trip to jail.

I don't play with anyone and I sure don't play with females believe that.

Oh you should be more wise when calling anyone out of their name. See you do have an IP address and it clearly will show were you are located.

Anonymous said...

message anonymous 6:22 was meant for anonymous 6:17

Anonymous said...

Okay GJ is it A WOMAN, or WOMEN.

Karma is a bitch! With every home-wrecker they have this mentality this will "never" happened to me.

A lesson for all ho's find a man of your own. Preferably one that is not married.
@@ July 29, 2011 3:21 PM ----------------


Hey stupid Jesse was not married when him and Kat got together, stupid ass loud mouth no nothing troll.

Anonymous said...


If anyone fits the description "stupid ass loud mouth no nothing troll" must describing yourself.

Look we don't have to play this calling name game. Again you are quite lucky cunt.

Talking shit behind a computer gives you confidence huh? This is so sad. But friends of Hoes all flock together.

To be so passionate about this topic only means you are certified when swinging between the lips.

Anonymous said...

jesse loves hitler pass it on

Anonymous said...

Oh. It's a catfight going on here. Peace ladies, peace. But naw, I wouldn't be surprised if this lowlife shitstain cheated on tattoo girl. I just have one question, how does he keep getting broads ?

Anonymous said...

ok how is this karma? Kat wasn't the one who Jesse cheated with while he was with Sandra. She came into the picture after the divorce. Wow. Some people are morons.

Anonymous said...

Wow, didn't realize Kat had fans.

Anonymous said...

lol @ 12:45pm - me neither

Anonymous said...


They both were cheaters it does have to do nothing with the Sandra situation and karma can go way back what you give out usually comes back to you.

Anonymous said...

According to an eyewitness, Jesse and Kat had an argument outside of her L.A. home Monday about another woman before Kat told him to leave.

Cardiology EMR

Branda Beauregard said...

I guess in between the fighting y'all missed the part about this ho driving a bently, reality show robots make that kind of money?

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