Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kim Kardashian Ridiculed For Casey Anthony Tweet

When Kim Kardashian Tweeted her disbelief at the Casey Anthony not guilty verdict her followers were quick to point out that Nicole Brown Simpson's family probably felt the same after her father helped acquit OJ Simpson.

Kim Kardashian received harsh criticism Tuesday after expressing her opinion about the Casey Anthony trial verdict.

Anthony, who was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, is definitely guilty, according to the reality star.

"WHAT!!!!???!!!! CASEY ANTHONY FOUND NOT GUILTY!!!! I am speechless!!!" she tweeted after the decision was reached.

Kardashian, 30, was one of many people who followed the trial closely and was very vocal on Twitter regarding her opinions about Anthony.

Although many celebrities, including Miley Cyrus, Mandy Moore, Star Jones and Roseanne Barr, had the same reaction as Kardashian, the buxom brunette received the worst reaction from fans due to her connection to O.J. Simpson's trial in 1995.

Many thought it was ironic that Kardashian felt so strongly about Casey Anthony's case, seeing as her father, the late Robert Kardashian, was one of the lawyers who got Simpson acquitted of murder allegations.

Kardashian was not too pleased, however, at the backlash she received following her tweet.

"Reading the comments here & its nuts people think just bc I was close to the OJ trial I can't have my own opinion on the Casey Anthony case?" she wrote.
Jacked from NY Daily News 


Anonymous said...

i dont even care for Kim.. but that comment was a reach one has nothing to do w the other & if u think it does ur an asshole too!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ho felt the same way about OJ, and just hasn't personally expressed her opinion on it.

I agree with the dirty skank she has a point; there's no way this eggplant head-shaped bitch Casey Anthony should be walking free after next week. What's next? She'll party it up? Go on FAUX news with a book "If I did murder Caylee, this is how"? Yeah it'll be real interesting to see if she OJ's the rest of her life away.

This case just shown the world how truly fucked up Amerika has become. There are no morals, there are no values, motherfuckers preach "reasonable doubt" this and that, but where's the fucking common sense? The little girl was taped up and dumped in a black bag like trash, that Martian mother of hers Casey was driving a car that smelled like death. WTF else do you need they there were some child abuse, endangerment, and ultimately killing in this case?

Anonymous said...

Her dad did not help get oj out of trouble. Rob resigned himself from. The case. Remember? It was. On the news.

Anonymous said...

This WHORE has no opinion. She is dumb as rocks!!! hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

This bitch always says or does something to try to stay relevant.

When does she watch the news? The news? Are you kidding me! All Kim knows how to to do is be Kim and look in a mirror at herself.

Anonymous said...

Tell the bitch to stay off of twitter. She likes it when fans or people tell her how great she is but hates REJECTION.

REJECT this bitch!!! I found it funny because it was directed at her ass and not her father. Bitch stay off of twitter!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I am one person that agress with her the mother killed her daughter or was responsible for the daughter dead. Talking about she is ready to have another baby what the hell for what?

bogart4017 said...


Anonymous said...

Anything to bring the attention back to herself...




Anonymous said...

Her nose is getting smaller and smaller-why don't she tweet about that?

Anonymous said...

What does she have to do with this? her father was an attroney andlast time I checked she didn't make her father represent him. She was a kid whoreing in the girls bathroom during the oj case. You guys are super illogical.

Anonymous said...

^^^You sound so stupid.

Anonymous said...

people do know the OJ Simpson case is what broke up kims family, also the dad was just a friend he never defended OJ in court, people need to learn history instead of reading one sentence of wikipedia

Anonymous said...

^^^ He may not have defended OJ but he was background help because they don't allow you to sit at the front table with the accused unless you are on the case in some way.

Anonymous said...

everyone needs to stop hating on kim k, and drop the twittter issue everyone has a right to speak their opinion and some of you on this site cant even spell go back to english class!lol and i still like the kardashian family and im still a fan!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim im your biggest fan love Amanda S!

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