Friday, July 1, 2011

Lady Gaga Dubbed Queen of Pop by Rolling Stone

Lady Gaga is the undisputed queen of pop. Your favorite could possibly never.

Rolling Stone has anointed Lady Gaga this generation's queen of pop. Well, duh! Who else is bigger than Gaga? No to the one. Sure, she is surrounded by a ton of divas - Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Katy Perry- but none come close to stealing her thunder or her crown.

The Mother Monster was ranked at No.1 out of 16 female artists who released solo albums between 2009 and 2011. That was the criteria, so that's why someone like Gwen Stefani wasn't able to be crowned Queen.

The mag ranked the pop queens by things like digital song sales, Billboard Hot 100 rankings, radio airplay, views on YouTube, social media, revenue from live shows, award wins and reviews from critics.

Gaga scored 1,205 points in the overall Master Ranking, beating Taylor Swift, who placed second with 881 points. Rihanna came third with 833 points, while Britney Spears landed at fourth with 674 points. Beyoncé was fifth with 668 points.

In your opinion, is Lady Gaga the Queen of Pop? Or do you prefer RiRi or TayTay or BritBrit?
Jacked from Artist Direct


Anonymous said...

What's up with this looking for an asian wife? OH it's like that now. Come on!!!

Anonymous said...

makes sense. pop=stupid music for stupid people.

there are a bunch of dumb asses running around here give this demon broad their hard earned cash, time and whatever brains they have left.

Anonymous said...

Uhhh did i miss something how the fuck can you be queen of something but they only looked at 2009-2011. thats fucking retarded to be queen you have to look at the whole picture Britney has been doin this ish for 11 or 12 years and is still ranked at #4 which means shes got the title hands down, Queen of pop. How can that be over shadowed by some flavor of the month like gaga

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same magazine that put snookie on the cover and said Justin Timberlake was the new king of pop back in the day... yeah their word means nothing. Gaga is good but she has a long way to go to be the queen of anything it takes more than 3 years and 2 and a half albums to be named Queen of a whole generation. Who knows before this decade is even over Gaga could fade out and just be a distant memory. Its way too early to call her the queen sorry!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gaga will last long enough. Let her have a couple more albums before you give her any title.

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

Y'all stealin *Messy Mya* quotes now.... lol. #you could possibly never

Anonymous said...


GAGA is a pop of gadgets.

Anonymous said...

Beystealin ain't shit.

Anonymous said...

Rihanna is the Queen of Pop. Point. Blank. Period.

Anonymous said...

rihanna is this the queen of pop, rolling stones is a know racist mag, they would never give it to a black women, who has more 13 hits then rihanna? who was more digital single ales? who has more albums sold? only thing gaga has more is youtube vids cause all the homos watch it each 100x a day every day, shit money made beyonce has hit , all gaga as is youtube

Anonymous said...

Why does it look like she has horns in this pic?

Anonymous said...

10:34 But Taylor Swift sold more albums and has the mos digital sales.

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