Monday, July 4, 2011

Ohio Woman Sues Kobe Bryant Over Broken Engagement

A woman in Ohio claims Kobe Bryant promised her a ring and she's suing him for breach of contract.
An Ohio prostitute is suing Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant, accusing him of reneging on his promise to marry her. Selina Miller filed the suit last week in Orange County Superior Court, claiming that the married star gave her a “completed and signed agreement” to provide her with a ring… Miller claims her and Kobe engaged in sexual activity during the course of their relationship. “He likes playing games with women more than people know,” she said. “I’m upset because he promised me a ring [during one visit], and then some other people influenced him, and I didn’t get it. He thinks he can stop by my house any time he wants to. There are other women, too. One of them got a ring.” Kobe’s infidelities have already cost him a multi-million dollar ring…Maybe he should just silence this girl and ring her too.
Jacked from Terez Owens


Anonymous said...

she sounds crazy as hell sucking kobe bean (jr,s) on a promise I'd promise the ho a ring to

Anonymous said...

courts should not entertain crazy shit it a waste of time, ad takes a justice from people who need it

Anonymous said...

What a dumb bitch. That is all.

Anonymous said...

broken engagements are not grounds for litigation

i'm a lawyer and we learned this in the first year of law school


Anonymous said...

Lebron promised miami a ring too and look what happened.
Bitch be gone.

Anonymous said...

WTF is he wearing?!?!
Are they filming another Matrix?

Anonymous said...

Poor thing.
BTW why is he dressed as Will.I.Am?

Anonymous said...

@6:19 Cause him think him hot.

Anonymous said...

First off he already has a wife so what is the point of a ring, second of all having more then one wife is illegal in America and how do you get mad at man because you are not smart enough to say no. See this is how hoes act. They give it all up for nothing and then get mad at other people because they lack standards. Why do women think that they can dictate to a man on why he wants to spend his life getting azz and asking someone to be your wife are two totally different things. That why I don't just fk anyone because at the end of the day I am just playing myself and I never want to fk everyone that I mean or that I spend a moment with.

Anonymous said...

kobe is fine that jacket hes wearing is fine anything he does is fine ..she fails because hes just to fine .there all gonna laugh at her .

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