Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rihanna Moving in with Drake?

New reports claim Rihanna is ready to take her relationship to the next level and move in with Drake.

RIHANNA is reportedly set to live with boyfriend Drake.

According to the National Enquirer, the pair – were first linked in 2009 and recently rekindled their romance — are planning to take their relationship to the next level by setting up home together.

“Now Drake has told her he loves her – and that he wants her to move in with him! She’s telling pals that she’s decided to just go for it and give their romance a serious try,” a source said.
“These days she’s all about Drake. Everyone is breathing a huge sigh of relief.”

Rihanna and Drake were allegedly caught kissing at the Buonanotte supper club in Montreal, Canada, last month.

The 23-year-old pop beauty previously confirmed she and the Canadian musician had a brief romance in 2009 but it didn’t work out because she was too fragile emotionally after being assaulted by her ex-lover Chris Brown in February of the same year.

“I definitely was attracted to Drake, but I think it is what it is — it was what it was . We didn’t want to take it any further,” she said.

“It was at a really fragile time in my life, so I just didn’t want to get too serious with anything or anyone at that time.”


Anonymous said...

She's working on bringing another one down.

Anonymous said...

LMBAO The Bajan Beauty Strikes again...she's just playing Drake as he's always been a puzzy whipped type of dude...he gets that from his upper middle class pretty boy roots.

This story holds no weight, as she's already moved on to bigger and better prospect- Jake Jillanhal anyone! Matix B

Anonymous said...

1st keisha chante , now rihanna , all drake has to get is beyonce and he's fully climbed the r7b ladder

dreadee said...


Anonymous said...

They make a nice looking couple. They would be the next "IT" couple

Anonymous said...

Two white people shacking up, wow!

Anonymous said...

She's gonna use him up and spit him out...

Anonymous said...

@5:39 fu*k i cant breathe!!! **dead**

Anonymous said...

Don't know wether this is true or not. What I do know is that she is looking more and more like a ho. I think she took the good girl gone bad thing to damn far.

Anonymous said...

Well I hope that Drake knows what he is in for because Rhianna is a little hot tamali, fiesty and seems to like the men weather she has a man or not. Maybe they might be good for each other but I think if Rhianna is really feeling fragile she also need to get new management because not sure what is going on with Jay and Bey and we both know that they only look out for self.

Anonymous said...

She really does have to leave with anyone I guess she is one of those type of chicks that can never be alone.

Anonymous said...

I really think is the place to be

Anonymous said...

5:39: Faint!!

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...


Anonymous said...

Rhianna is not the type to stay with "one" man for long.

If Drake is messing with Rhianna, he needs to get out NOW because she will destroy his self esteem.

Rhianna loves to push men's buttons.

Anonymous said...

She wants Drake THIS week. It'll be Usher again next week, back to Matt two days after him, and every hollywood actor. This chick has been passed around more than a ball on a basketball court. Easy like Sunday mornin'.

Anonymous said...


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