Thursday, August 11, 2011

Forbes Names Beyonce Most Powerful Black Woman in the U.S.

Beyonce Knowles tops Forbes most powerful Black Woman in the U.S. list ahead of both Michelle Obama and Oprah.
1. Beyonce Knowles
2. Oprah
3. Michelle Obama
4. Ursula Burns
5. Debra Lee
6. Halle Berry
7. Condoleezza Rice
8. Tyra Banks
9. Ruth Simmons
10. Venus & Serena Williams
11. Robin Roberts
12. Whoopi Goldberg
Jacked from Forbes


Anonymous said...

How much do her and CamelBack pay for the top spots on these lists every year?

Anonymous said...

Still won't stop her man from lusting after a white woman. (Gwyneth)

Anonymous said...

Bullshyt beyonce and her husband spend most of their time kissin white ass that's why forbes named her that.

Beyonce wants to be white
Jay-Z is a tap dancing coon boy so white folks love them

Furthermore only black people should be able to determine what black woman or man is the most powerful anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Next headline: Jay-Z and Gwyneth Love Embrace!

Anonymous said...

Ah but not powerful enough to keep her husband's roving eye focused on her.

Anonymous said...

Who put this together? I buy oprah, Michelle, and Ursula as top 3 but some of the other names. I'd put ursula and Michelle before oprah.

Anonymous said...

^^ but not some of the other names.

nba is fixed said...

Notice how Beyonce is making the baphomet hand sign. There is no doubt she is boule!

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaa. These bitches think we'll believe anything. She can't even carry on a decent conversation.

This is kinda like when Soldier Boy said he bought a $55 million dollar planes.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. She sure does like paying for these titles and made up awards, doesn't she?

Anonymous said...


Jay Z and Beyonce knows how to suck up to the corporate suits whose hands rock the cradle of the business world (FORBES).

Anonymous said...

Ask yourself people what kind of power does this bitch have over Michele Obama, NONE.

I see dumb ass Solange got that role in the Florence Ballard movie, who pulled that off?

Anonymous said...

Don't beleive this people, TITLES CAN BE BROUGHT

Anonymous said...

This can't be true, unless she paid them of course! Then again, this is Forbes. It's not TIME mag or something of substance, just money.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce in the top spot is just absurd. But looking at the rest of the list really makes me shake my head. That's a weak list of names. The First Lady, Oprah, Ursula Burns and Condi have juice. The rest just have jobs. They have money, they have fame, but do they have power?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the same thing. How is Beyonce powerful? Next she will be buying that Oscar she has been dying for.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a reflection of our culture's worship of celebrity. A list of the most powerful white women would include Lady Gaga, Rachel Maddow, Hillary Clinton, etc. We have become a culture obssessed with famous people. Being ordinary and obscure is seen as lame and boring. So her topping the list is no surprise.

Also, we still live in Patriarchy so women are going to derive their power mainly from entertaining, hence most of the list is entertainers/personalities. A list of the most powerful black men would include more men in business/politics/etc. And I cannot imagine someone like Jay Z or Will Smith ranking higher than Obama or the CEO of Amex or the black guy that used to head AOL/Time Warner. So there is still a little bit of misogyny at play here.

I mean, Halle Berry? When was her last hit film? She won an Oscar years ago. Tyra Banks is basically an idiot in a wig and stilletos. SMH.

Where is Desiree Rogers? Amy Barnett?

So much fail in this list. SMH.

Anonymous said...

riahnna did make the list causes she not a wannabe be white person no history/culture of there own African American

Anonymous said...

And Michael Jackson is still alive. SMFH! But someone up there did say it's about money and she does make more money than Michelle Obama and others on the list but as a powerful individual for her mind and influence, beyawnce's mind is the size of my pinky toe. I am now FULLY convinced that this bitch is paying for everything. And if she ever wins an Oscar,that's the day the world ends. And you wanna know why I am convinced, because according to Forbes, she has enough money! Smh

Anonymous said...


I see that too but many won't care because zombies and puppets really don't get a say so. Beyonce was always one of those artist who did not put her devil whorshipping on front street but I am sure we will see much more of it in her in years to come.

Anonymous said...

Every new and publication that is aired and printing in the country is all owned by the same people..

I was just telling bf that I want to travel more because I am tried of getting all my information for the TV and the media. It such an easy way to be controlled only take in faulty information geared towards pushing us all in a certain place mentally and emotionally.

Anonymous said...

Buying titles now....

Anonymous said...

Oh okay I see whats REALLY going on here, its not enough for white folks to constantly talk bad about President Obama, now they are slamming his wife with Beyonce, and think that
we will not notice because they both are black.

Beyonce has not contribute ANYTHING to the people of the USA to deserve this title, and FORBES has shown me that they are a dime a dozen in the picks and choosing, FORBES should stick to whose making the most money and leave the worldly contributions to the deserving.

This is a disgrace to Michelle OBAMA and others, all Beyonce does is grind her pussy, and dance, she hasn't cured to visited any famine countries.


dreadee said...

OH HELL NAW, are you serious?? EPIC FAIL.

Michelle and Oprah and get Beyonce killed and discredited in a manner of minutes. This is total BULLSHIT.

Do Michelle or Oprah have to basically dance naked in front of millions of people to get attention? (I know, I know, bad bad picture). Child please, who the hell is Forbes lying too? I mean, teenagers do not read Forbes, and the people who had subscriptions are cancelling them now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Bey is looking really 'speshul' in that pic. Like she'll be drooling any minute.

Anonymous said...

illuminati list

Anonymous said...

of course we're being told to believe this... New world order people!...

Anonymous said...

lol where's rihanna?

Anonymous said...

@1:00 A.M you are a goddamn lie about black African American people not having a history or culture.So GTFOOH!

Anonymous said...

I hate this bitch, she is such a sociopath, Skank racist greedy whitewashed slut. I hope you die soon.

Anonymous said...

Go f**k a white man & have some mixed babies, you naked racist ho. I'm tired of clicking on shit & seeing your droopy vagina.

Anonymous said...

10:05 - "I'm tired of clicking on shit & seeing your droopy vagina."

Then stop clicking on Beyonce posts (problem solved)

Anonymous said...

They bought her billboard award and spot on the show this year too. Made no sense for her to be there or be given that award. Her single girls was flopping at the time.

They are getting too obvious with the publicity stunts that we can clearly see are bought and paid for from their joint bank acct.

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

why is everyone throwing the Illuminati sign.. but stay in heavy denial... *crickets*

Anonymous said...

⇨ « »★«»★«» ☆ ▷▶ #please support me>> ☆♥ ツ

Anonymous said...

what a disrespect to the First Lady of the free world. Bleachy and her PR are at it again.

Anonymous said...


Hail Queen Bey! She is a beautiful black woman making her OWN money, something many of you know nothing about. She is a HARD worker. I love that about her and I'm proud that she is black.

There are so many stereo types about us as a black race that we are always bashing each other. For all of you messy hoes, both Oprah and Michelle Obama love her. So please quit the hate! Nothing but love there.

As a matter of fact, I love that Beyonce, Oprah and Michelle are all 'A list', quality BLACK WOMEN! Something to be proud of.


Anonymous said...

Stan alert at 4:18pm. Bitch, go take a seat. Tell us one thing that this bobble headed, no education having, pussy popping skank has contributed to society? Name a time when this bitch visited famine countries or gave back millions to better society like MJ, the Obama's and Oprah? Name one time when beyonce broke barriers, besides creating the booty pad trend, and has made 1/16th of the impact like MJ has made in his respectful and historical career as a Musician? Name one time..........It's okay I'll wait *sips tea*

Anonymous said...

Stupid bitches calling another woman your Queen, you guys lives must be so empty to call this self hating whore a Queen. Shes afraid to perform with clothes on, she must think all her fans are perverts & dykes. Cause she throws her vagina in womens faces more than men.

Beyonce is losing it because she is flopping, she wants to be white & when white people start rejecting her ass to the fullest, she will be trying to get back all the black fans she lost. & She only has black fans with low self esteem.

Anonymous said...

Why would a black woman call a helf hating black woman their Queen??? It baffles me. Shes does not want to lead you, she just wants your ends!!!

Beyonce has been all over the world, has more money than she will ever spend, What are you getting out of her living the American dream???
She doesn't even want to look like you.

Anonymous said...

Stop worshipping this ho. She is not proud to be black.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:18 PM

Look here you ignorant bitch, Beyonce must be paying your bills the reason you are here staning for her, fuck Beyonce and YOU!!!

Too bad she didn't get married for the right reasons.

Its safe to say when her popularity wears off her husband Jayz will seek others, but as long as she makes that money inching him all the way to becoming a BILLIONAIRE (like OPRAH and BUFFET) she'll be needed, cluck head country bitch.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:28 8:48

I could not have said it better.

Anonymous said...

She is the most powerful coochie thruster! "pussy power!" Can't talk but her money talks 4 her....

Anonymous said...

Do Michelle or Oprah have to basically dance naked in front of millions of people to get attention?

Anonymous said...

Yall know Beyoncce ant Tyrra are good friends..they must be so happy that they both made the list....Everyone on that list is famous cause they got lucky,they maintain the fame with hard work..

Anonymous said...

I'm a black woman & there is no one that I know that likes Beyonce, seriously. I like her, but I don't know anyone that likes her. I went to the I am yours concert at the Toyota center in Houston alone. My friends, family coworkers neighbors etc., whenever I happen to mention Bey they are not interested in hearing about her. They don't hate her, they are just not interested in her. I'm surprised the stanning for Bey still exists. Cause for years I've never met anyone that likes Bey.

Anonymous said...


Your comment is so self degrading, have some self respect or dignity. People like you shouldn't have access to the internet. Your so STUPID!
The only woman you should call a Queen is your mother. & your proud that Bey hates being black?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

@4:18PM must be telling the truth because a lot of you bitch's are really, really mad! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

whateva!!!! no one still dont like her lame predictable old looking ass!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot to add, i couldv'e sworn she said she was creole,wish she was spanish pretty much any other race besides black, i guess its convient for her now to be mention as black now that she's flopping like a fish out of water!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

OMG the lies. she doesn't influence shit. I wold much rather be FLOTUS than be giving lap dances to foreign dictators.

That's just me.

I would much rather be in shape and fertile and love my husband who happens to be good looking and wealthy than married to Camel Joe. She is loosing and I don't look up to her at ALL.

Anonymous said...

Creole is black.

Anonymous said...

It's crazy to me that everyone is talking bad about her and not congratulating her.. it wasn't a problem when Michael Jackson had this power... People having money gives u power that's why Oprah was in the first spot for a long time but when she stopped her show her money dropped which pushed beyonce above her... Beyonce makes more money than the president and the first lady put together.... Go beyonce I wish you the best and I'm happy for you... Screw these hating people because they would love to be in your shoes any day...

Anonymous said...

This is some bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you say Forbes... next!!

Anonymous said...

@8:38...dumbass creole is not a color its a culture (haitian culture)and not just blacks are apart of it,if she so much of it she should be able to speak some of the language.

Anonymous said...

@9:45...NOT!!!! she's only on this earth temporary!! if she does not change with her devil worshipping ways,everyone knows where she's gonna go!!! AND NO ONE & I MEAN NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE!!! SO SHE CAN HAVE HER MONEY!!! there is no amount of money thats gonna keep you out of hell,that place is forever,theres no coming from there!!!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame the way people worship this woman.
I don't understand the hype.
All of you need Jesus, seek him before its too late.

Anonymous said...

Who did B and J payoff for this. They r both frauds. The people on that list Oprah, Michelle and Robin Roberts are trailblazers, women of substance. I like Beyonce's music and I think that she is a good dancer. But I swear she is sooooo overrated. Not hard to b at the top when you don't have lots of competiton. Their are very few artist that are relevent these days. Jay made the comment that B is the 2nd coming of MJ. Jay not in YOUR or ANYBODY else's wildest dreams. She works hard but that's about it. She steals Ideas from other artists and tries to past them off as hers. STOP IT! You can't compare her to MJ he was a innovator and CHANGED the music game esp. videos. He is the reason that most black artist are not automatically labeled R&B anymore as they were in the past. Music industry was hot during the peak of MJ's career. He had to fight a lot of competition to get to the top black and white artists ie. Prince, Lionel Ritchie, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney to name a few.
Mike made a difference in the music industry and in humanitarian effects besides winning awards and dancing. What change has Beyonce made to the industry or humanity. She is shallow and so is Jay. Beyonce has more opportunity than MJ did because technology is different now, it's better. Beyonce and Jay are overrated IMO. It cost them lots of PAYOLA to stay on the top. Jay is so disrespectful to MJ's contributions to the music when he makes these comparations (not the 1st time he did it). IMO he wants sooo badly to dethrone MJ. Yessss I'm a MJ stan always have been from the J5 days w/o wavering even during his trials (problems) and will b until I die. Jay just stop comparing you and your wife to MJ. R.I.P MJ. I've spoken my peace and I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce doesn't really have any new fans that's y her album didn't sell better than her previous ones. PPL are tired of her becuz she brings nothing new to the table. Her "look" is the same. Magazine cover story after cover story, purfume, clothing line. Tried to pass off that "Girls" video as a new concept nd was exposed. She can't write music. chile pls!!!

Anonymous said...

i remember when she kept God first thru it all

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