Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reggie Bush Begging Kim Kardashian Back?

Rumor has it Reggie Bush has been texting Kim Kardashian non stop begging her to call off her wedding to Kris Humphries.
Is Miami Dolphins star Reggie Bush having regrets over ex Kim Kardashian now that she's about to walk down the aisle with NBA free agent Kris Humphries? Bush, who let the curvy reality star slip through his fingers in March of last year, has "been sending text messages to Kim and leaving her voicemails, telling her she's making a mistake and that he's the one for her," Life & Style reports, adding, "In the past, Kim was friendly to Reggie, but now she's stopped responding." The magazine claims that Kim even got a message from Reggie, who has started dating a Kim look-alike, on Aug. 4 while she was at a wedding dress fitting with Vera Wang. The wedding is Aug. 20. A source told Life & Style, "He was begging her to call off the wedding -- and give him another chance." But a friend said, "She was burned by the end of their relationship, and she's truly moved on." Reps for Bush and Kardashian didn't get back to us.
Jacked from Page Six


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If true, Reggie is a lame. If it isn't true Reggie is a lame.

Anonymous said...

Anything to get more ratings for this lame ass wedding. Funny that all these stories leak from the same tabloid her family has on their payroll...Life and Style. One day Reggie will get smart and sue the pants off of them all.

Anonymous said...

He is just an ex with a hurt ego. He does not want to marry her. His mama aint having it and he has already been clowned by his boys. He is typical male who left his woman and now wants to keep her from being happy.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:47 PM: Typical male ? What that's supposed to mean ? Don't lump me in with this bitch made punk. Me and this nigga aint cut from the same cloth at all. I know his momma probably hide her face walking through town. Anyway, like @ 6:07 PM said, If it's true, Reginald is a lame, if it aint ,I don't give a damn , reginald still lame.Matter fact, his name Weggie Bush if its true.

Anonymous said...

oh kim, stop posting shit will u?

Anonymous said...

Kim still trying to get Reggie's attention.

Anonymous said...

Reggie must have some good ass peen he dumped Kim twice and she is still talking about the man. If Reggie wanted Kim he could have her.

Anonymous said...

A part of me wants to believe that Reggie wouldn't do this. But another part of me thinks that if this dumb negro would date a Kim Kardashian look alike then he's open for anything. I don't think Reggie Bush has ever been known for being smart or having common sense. He dated her for a long time knowing she was a fame whore and didn't care.

Anonymous said...

All 3 of them are lame.

Anonymous said...

Reggie used this bitch up because he liked the attention. I know him very well and he was never serious about this girl. He cared but was NEVER seriously in love. Reggie cheated on her from day one but SHE accepted it because she thought she had the perfect man, dark and sexy, rich and very goodlooking.

Kim likes her dark meat. Kris is not it.

Kim likes her men rich! Kris is not it!

Kim likes her men sexy and built. Kris is not it!

Kim loves attention. Kris is not it! He's actually the laughing stock of his profession.

Kim likes to be in control. She could NEVER control Reggie! Kris is a lap dog.

Kim is STILL in love with Reggie Bush. He is NOT!

For all of you naysayers, Reggie is smarter than you think.

Reggie would never text or call this bitch. He already knows that she would tape/save everything.

Reggie's teammates helped him see thru her. Good for him! She never fit in with the other wives/girlfriends that's why he CHEATED on her so much! She was too self-absorbed and she thought that he was caught up!

Reggie knows Kim-like she knows him. He knows what buttons to push! He starting seeing the Kim K look alike because he KNEW it would drive the hell out of Kim! What did Kim do recently?

She sued Old Navy/the girl all because someone tweeted that they looked alike. Bitch please! This was all about Reggie! She can't stand to see him with anyone else.

Well, she has another thing coming because he is going to wear out Miami! Look for Kim to stay in Miami for long periods of time so that she can spy on him. Kris will be playing a game and she will be watching Reggie play football. Believe it! She also has her good friend Lauren and Scottie Pippen's wife checking on him. [Reggie knows all of this!]

Kim's star is fading and she will have a serious breakdown after this so called wedding. She is going to wake up and realize that she is fucking "Herman the Monster"! This dude is a joke.

The real reason Kim can't get over Reggie is because she has never had anyone DROP her ass like that! She has always been the user. She thought she was the shit and Reggie showed her that she smelled like SHIT!

Reggie Bush is DEFINITELY winning!

Anonymous said...

Here we go with the lies again! Kim, you should fire your PR people. These games are getting old!

Anonymous said...

Why would Reggie want her again???

He has lots of money and several endorsement deals, and oh I forgot, a Superbowl ring! He is also a great looking man!

Look at the picture. This dude in no way compares to Reggie Bush.

Anonymous said...

Kim is still mad Reggie kicked her ass to the curb! This is the same story where Reggie Bush's friend showed Miles Austin Kim's text messages to him.

Kim, please stop it. Yeah really, please stop.

Anonymous said...

Gossip, your friend Kim is a stalker. She is a real head case. Get her some help before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

Gossip, your friend Kim is a stalker. She is a real head case. Get her some help before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

Kim, why are you thinking about Reggie Bush?

Are you not getting married?

dreadee said...

Co-sign at 5:15p and that was some good ass tea 1:05p! I really don't care for him much but I still wouldn't wish on that family! He definitely dodged a bullet!

Anonymous said...

I don't see why people get worked up over the kim reggie thing.It seems no one likes either of them, so why take sides?Let them drown in their fuckery for all I care.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:25. I KNEW Reggie wanting her back was not a truthful story (in my Katt Williams voice).

Anonymous said...

^^ I meant 5:15

Anonymous said...

Reggie reminds me of OJ Simpson, they have a lot in common. Her annoying existence aside, I believe Reggie could be obsessed with her. Why else date someone who looks so much like her? It's like Tiger and Charles Barkely and their blond parade. They see some type of order in the uniform looks of the women they screw. OJ also only dated women that looked a lot like his white ex wife. It is bigger than having a type. A type could include different women that all share similar traits like big breasts, big butts, dark hair, etc. But Reggie went for a damn clone practicaly. I am leery of men who date carbon copies of their exes. Don't you want some variety?

He seems like he would also be controlling and jealous. I believe she dumped him especially with the Heisman scandal on the horizon. He was/is probably shocked he couldnt get her back since she came back before.

He may not be in love with her but he might be obsessed with her rejection of him.

He also looks like a wife beater.

Anonymous said...

Reggie is done with Kim. Believe me, if Reggie even gave a glimmer of hope to Kim she would dump Herman Monster faster then you can say ass crack. LOL!

Anonymous said...

@4:23PM Is this you Kim? Gossip? You don't believe this shit yourself.

Reggie dropped this bitch twice. After the 1st time and Khloe's wedding, she ran back to the NO to beg him back. The 2nd time he said Good by!

Kim tried to get him back at Kadijah Haqq's wedding. It didn't work Kim!

Kim put out the beating stories herself because she tried to hurt him. It didn't work Kim!

Everyone knows that Kim is the one who leaked the Heismann stories about him. As a matter of fact, Reggie didn't have to give it back, he wanted to because he wanted to move on with his life. His coach said he told Reggie NOT to give it back because he deserved it for his college career!

Reggie knew Kim and Kris Jenner tried to rat him out so he will NEVER take Kim back.

Kim had the Haqq sisters set up a dinner with Reggie while she was with Kris. She wanted to know if she had one more chance with him before she blew up this Kris Hump story in the media. Reggie said NO! Hence, here we are with this fake ass wedding. The End.

Anonymous said...

Kim call Reggie and let him know how you really feel. It may not work though. You are making a huge mistake with this little ugly boy!

Anonymous said...

***Alert Alert***


Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone is buying this story.

Anonymous said...

Who are you that ho kim k's pr person??? You sound tired and bitter go take a nap.

Anonymous said...

niggas are like that

Anonymous said...

ALL of you H A T E R S need to STFU !
If rumors are true Reggie begging Kim to stop the wedding & wanting another chance , let them be ! Kim was so much happier with Reggie than she was with Kris . Get off his dick & get off her tip ! If they want to be together they will ! Who are all of you ? NO ONE .
A relationship is between 2 & they will have haters & apparently all ya mad that they might just be trying to work things out this time !

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