Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rihanna Dumping Jay Z as Her Manager?

Explosive reports surface that Rihanna is ready to dump Jay Z and Roc Nation as her management team. just got some EXPLOOOO-OOOSIVE information. According to a well placed snitch, Rihanna has decided to DROP Jay Z . . . and his RocNation team as her managers.

The decision to drop them, we're told, was officially made by Rihanna AFTER she learned that Beyonce was PREGNANT!!!

Here's what we know. Last APRIL, told you that Rihanna was CONSIDERING dropping Jay Z as her manager - when she learned of certain FINANCIAL IRREGULARITIES, and when Jay and RocNation began UNOFFICIALLY managing Beyonce (See report here - where we talk SPECIFICALLY about Rihanna buying a house from her official Manager Jay Brown's sister).

After our initial report, Jay Z had a "private discussion" with Rihanna - after which, Rihanna promised to STAY with his management team.

But now that has ALL CHANGED. According to's ROCK SOLID INSIDER, Rihanna has decided to DROP them as managers. The official announcement is STILL TO COME, but Rihanna is currently TAKING STEPS to get away from Jigga and 'em.

Her FIRST step in breaking free - Rihanna has launched a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT against her "official" RocNation manager Jay Brown's sister. According to the lawsuit, Which is summarized on TMZ, Rihanna claims that Jay's sister DEFRAUDED her.

This ish is abut to get REAL UGLY. Hope Jigga KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING when he knocked up Beyonce . . . .
Jacked from MediaTakeOut 


Anonymous said...

LOL well wave goodbye to your career boo. It was jay-z and his team he put behind you that made you who you are today, without that what do you have to fall back on?... your "talent"?!... GIRL BYE YOU'RE DONE!

Anonymous said...

"Hope Jigga KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING when he knocked up Beyonce . . . ."

So jay-z shouldn't have decided to have a baby with his wife just so he could keep one of his artist happy... PLEASE whoever wrote this story sounds dumb as hell. Besides its from Media Take Out, NOTHING they put out is credible. They swore up and down that a "reliable insider" told them beyonce was pregnant like two years ago and we all know that wasn't true

Anonymous said...

I hope she knows her so call career just landed her in the rhiannanavy ocean sea of no more career, i'm

Anonymous said...

I think Jay want a child,RiRi had her chance to give it to him but she didnt. Bey won. Now RiRi
tryin to hurt his pockets but its just another lovers quarrel thing,she gonna be back when her money run out....N Jay gonna make her babysit
for Bey...oh,wait....Bey not having that itch near this viagra baby.

Anonymous said...

PHUCK MTO................PERIOD!!

Rhianna BLINDLY brought a mansion 6.9 million dollars for her manager's sister, she is sueing, the sister, ROC Nation, realitor and everybody connected, AS SHE SHOULD.

but...........When you purchase a mansion for 6.8 mil, IT IS UP TO TOO TO HAVE IT INSPECTED RHIANNA, but being young and dumb is no excuse, and Jayz should have had your back on this deal,
but as we all know Jayz is only about Jayz and what he can get out of you.

Jayz is all about $$$$

Anonymous said...


"from her manager's sister" ^^^^

Anonymous said...

Jay has a wife and is starting a family. Period!

He can't watch some young, lezzy, nasty, well-dressed, drunk, slut who curses out fans on twitter, sleeps with anything (I mean anything) walking, and gets her ass beat regulary - chick! whoo!!!

She is a grown ass woman who needs her PARENTS around her. Some of this shit would not happen. Her friend Melissa is suppose to be her support/connection to home BUT she can't do anything with Rhianna! She is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

Rhi may feel like Jay won't be able to give her career the attention she needs. Maybe not- this is his first child with his wife! I'm more than sure he's very happy and absorbed in the safety of his wife and baby!

What she really need to do is calm down and think! He may end up get her crazy ass out of an alley somewhere after she fall off without his signature/name. She'll end up looking like Ciara out here.

Rhianna needs to do what's best for her and move on then. Bey and Jay already got money. She's not hurting anyone!

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