Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chris Martin Calls Rihanna One of the Top Five Singers

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin thinks Rihanna has one of the world's top five voices and was thrilled to work with her on his new cd.
There is still a week to go before the release of Coldplay’s fifth album, Mylo Xyloto, and earlier today the tune that will undoubtedly be the disc’s most talked-about made its way onto the Internet — though the band’s label, EMI, is consistently pulling the song down where they find it.

Back when the track listing was first announced, “Princess of China” immediately stood out, mostly because it contained the note “featuring Rihanna” right after it.

It isn’t the first time a voice that isn’t Martin’s has shown up on a Coldplay song (remember that version of “Lost!” that captured one of Jay-Z’s best freestyles over the piano solo?), but “Princess of China” is a pretty powerful departure for the band, as it not only invites RiRi along for the ride but also locks into something like an R&B groove (or at least the British swoop-rock interpretation of an R&B groove).

“She’s one of the top five singers in the world,” Martin told EW during a recent conversation about the new album (the results of which you can read in the current issue, on newsstands now).

“While we were working on it, I was thinking, ‘I wish Rihanna was singing this.’ That was around the time of Rated R, when she was singing dark stuff like ‘Russian Roulette.’ I got nervous to ask [drummer] Will [Champion], because I knew he would say, ‘Well, we don’t really have guests on the records,’ but then I asked him and it was accepted as an idea. But the song itself was always asking for her. The process of getting her to sing on it took ages, but in my head I would have been very disappointed if anyone else had done it.”
Jacked from Entertainment Weekly


Anonymous said...

First Beyckie now this itch. Since when did he become the God of music????

Anonymous said...

Thats Jay-z friend and artist, why not kiss his azz.

Anonymous said...

how much of his cum did she have to swallow to get him to say that?

Anonymous said...

Rhianna sings in only 1 note and tone. That's not singing.

Anonymous said...

Delusions of a coke head...

Anonymous said...

this muthafucka must be deaf. better get a cochlear implant or something

Anonymous said...

top 5 best singers in the world... please rihanna aint even in the top 5 best singers on my block.

Anonymous said...

This dude so tired of waking up next to Goops flabby ass he can't stop talking about these succulent black women that's all over Jay

Anonymous said...

He must be tone deaf...

Anonymous said...

Rihtard is no singer AT ALL. Bajan billy goat is the biggest gimmick yet since Beystankin'.

Only1Nikki said...


Anonymous said...

WTF does he know, he just kissing Jayz's ass, anybody with ears knows Rhianna can't sing.

Boy I tell these cliques make me sick.

Chris and his pasty white wife need to get a clue.

Anonymous said...



He is a IDIOT, get your lips off of Jayz's ass Chris.

Hit or Miss said...

Anything to sale records. When was this clowns' last album?

Anonymous said...

*coughs* -------- vomits ((violently))

Anonymous said...

Well, the guy definitely knows talent.

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