Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kim Kardashian Regrets Decision to get Married

Kim Kardashian is afraid she's made a huge mistake by getting married to Kris Humphries.
Kim Kardashian should've been giddy with excitement on the day her E! Special, Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event, was premiering. However, Life & Style has learned that instead, she was venting to a friend about her fears on tying the knot so quickly!

"I didn't know marriage was going to be so hard," she complained to a pal while getting a mani-pedi at Clover Nails in NYC on Oct. 9. "With all this travel and work, it's been a big adjustment for both of us."

And it's a huge change that Kim, 30, isn't sure she wants to settle for. "She doesn't feel like she's ready for the commitment," a friend reveals to the new issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now. "Kim feels this all happened too soon."

Most devastating? Kim's family had been warning her from the start but Kim was always quick to defend Kris, 26, when her sisters called him rude and attention-hungry. "I just wish they had more time with him," Kim lamented to Life & Style.
Jacked from Life & Style 


Anonymous said...

Bitch please

Anonymous said...

This bitch is out of her damn mind!!!

Talking about work...what work? You stand in front of a camera, everyone around you does the work!

Anonymous said...

he wont play reality show ish and family dont like it. khloe efffs kim with strap on i beleive

Anonymous said...

She settled for vanilla, when she really wanted chocolate.

Anonymous said...

She was previously married for FOUR YEARS and she "didn't know marriage was going to be so hard"?!?!


Anonymous said...

This is so fucking dumb & retarded. The attention whore is at it again! This pseudo-marriage was never real to begin with. Reggie, be glas ur ass ran from this crazy self absorbed chick.

@ 5:54--- Kris Humphries is bi-racial. His dad is black.

Anonymous said...

typo....GLAD not glas

Operation: BeastMode said...

lol fucking dummy ..

Anonymous said...

It must suck to be Kim. She seems so sad and lonely and like she is searching for love. What a sad, miserable existence. No amount of money will ever be able to fix it. I almost feel sorry for her. That weird looking guy she married will never be Reggie lol.

Anonymous said...

I believe she looked more to the wedding than the marriage. She wanted a totally over the top wedding and she got it. Kris is very opinionated, and he is not afraid to speak up. I don't think it will last. Kim will try to make it last just to save face, because that's very important to her. They got married too soon, but Kim is jealous of her sisters and she wants a marriage and child for that reason. She thought she would have the successfull marriage and motherhood before her sisters.

Anonymous said...

Lesson #1: Never marry a dude with the same first name as your mama!

Anonymous said...

bitch needs to regret fucking up her face with surgery. looking more like a scared possum everyday

Ms Thang said...

'rude and attention hungry' coming from a katrashian, NO! Well he was chosen by one of the world most attention hungry bimbo(Who shares the title with beyonce), so it's a match made in money I mean heaven.

Anonymous said...

How did she not know that being married was going to be hard work when she was married before?

Anonymous said...

@4:44... that's why i call bull on the whole story... not a kim k fan, but come on...

KardashianAttnetionWHORES said...

The Kardashian's are the WRONG family to EVER call ANYONE "attention-hungry".

Anonymous said...

Princess Fiona and Shrek didn't work out afterall.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shit was and is fake from the start it was all done for money and publicity. if you ask me Kris doesn't give a shit about Kim and vice versa there is no love there. The kardashians are a bunch of fakes who think they are clever. Reggie probably thanks his lucky stars every night that he escaped the circus family.

Anonymous said...


SO his daddy is black. Swirl ain't chocolate. No point to made.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know it would be this hard really mean..dammit he won't roll over and just do what I say!!!

Its been obvious since the first pic that they were in this for the cash. I doubt he loves her, and its clear she doesn't love him. Have we seen them together since that "wedding". The only reason she got married is because she couldn't stand that fact that Khloe got the black baller before she did. So she went and got herself a lurch look alike that she hope to run over. WRONG..turns out Kris is an asshole who won't take her shit lying down.

Anonymous said...

She's out of town and Kris is walking around with Kourt and Khloe. You know this is a lie. Khloe really can't stand his ass. She wasn't smiling in not 1 picture. They thought this PR move would make everyone think they were all getting along. WRONG!

Anonymous said...

Did you see his mom was NO WHERE to be seen on the wedding special? This woman didn't want this shit to happen but Kris was too damn hard headed. She did not want to be filmed. Now, he wants to kill himself for this dumb shit. He should've asked Reggie!

Anonymous said...

Reggie tried to show all yall!!! hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

The wedding didn't produce the attention she desired so she's done with him. No one with sense would wife her and she knows it. Thats why she wed the only joker dumb enough to pyt a ring on it. I'm ECSTATIC that this bitch is on minute 14!

quianaj27 said...

mmmm Kris showed that ass huh Kim oh well that's what you get dumb as hell for real.

Anonymous said...

She's setting the stage for the divorce. E gave her her fairytale wedding so Kris has served his purpose. She's moving on. It was all about the wedding anyway, not the marriage.

Anonymous said...

Seriously......ho sit all the way down! Nobody cares that she whored herself out for fame, the cameras and the money. Now she "discovered" marriage is like.....omigawd.....HARD! Yes, dummy, marriage is suppose to be a little hard even under the best of circumstances you know like actually being in love. I can't co-sign this bullsh***. This is why so many so-called marriages fail.

Anonymous said...

Kim: You may have money but you don't have LOVE, a good marriage, children. You are so obsessed into thinking you have a REAL career. This money making machine you Kartrashians keep milking will eventually dry up. Can't you see that people don't care about youe fake self - we just like seeing a freak show once in awhile.

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