Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tea Time

Jacked from a random message board
I will say that not everyone in the industry is gay and not everyone has dabbled in bisexual activity. However, there are things that happen behind closed doors that will make you sick. For instance, you have artists who attend these parties and engage in sexual activity with groupies but they're all like sexing, sucking and all that good stuff in the same room. Some will watch, some will participate and run trains...Chris Brown has definitely been involved in a lot of this type of activity. They don't actually end up sleeping with the same sex but they're in the same room doing freaky things and getting off on it.

As far as Kanye, I can say with 100% certainty that he is not bisexual and he has not participated in any homosexual activities. You can choose to believe or not but I am very close to people in that inner circle and Kanye is actually endearing. He's a sweet heart. That arrogant persona that you all see is Kanye basically giving a big F U to the people who dissed him when he was trying to get on as a rapper. Sort of like he's over compensating and he's extremely guarded but in real life he has a big heart and he's a really nice laidback/chill type of dude. Very smart and really humble in person. I can go on about Kanye but I won't. I'll just say that everything that you all believe about him is not true. He hasn't sold his soul to the devil. He's not in some secret society trying to brainwash and take over the world. He's just a dude that's misunderstood who happens to make great music.


Anonymous said...

Wow no negitive comments... I'm shocked. I hope this is true though.

Anonymous said...

Yeezy, is that you?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you, you need more people. (JAY- Z voice)

Anonymous said...

I never thought Ye was gay or nothing. But I can understand the F U attitude . But I find it highly possible that dude did in deed sell his soul to the devil. Just being in the same circles as Jay-Z leads me to believe that. Jay is a big fan of Aliester Crowley.

Anonymous said...

I never believed Ye was gay. He can definitely get it!

Anonymous said...

It's his persona? A big FU to the people that dissed him when he was trying to come up? What did Taylor Swift do to him? He's just a way around that fact. My guess, his peeps put this out there. Because unless EVERY person on this earth dissed him, he's a dick. It would be more of an FU if he made it, and was really, truly a nice guy. Even to those who didn't stand by him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

EXACTLY...that's why i loves me some Yeezy.

Anonymous said...

Lies by his PR camp to make him look human. He's an arrogant bastard in every sense of the word. I read awhile back how after the grammys everyone was eating chicken back stage and he got mad cos nobody gave him any. So, someone went and got him some chicken and he took it and threw it in the garbage. How dumb and babyish is that?! He is an immature piece of shit that feels entitled. fuck him!

Anonymous said...

This article was a good look inside Hollywood. I guess someone from the midwest who has values and was always outside of the crowd would have an abrasive persona, but that means that they were taught to question everything and not accept everything given to them.

Anonymous said...

That was Taylor Swift's induction ceremony into the fold.

Anonymous said...

it's all true

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that was posted incog on Lipstick Alley, probably by someone on his staff to make him look normal.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kanye actually turned the Caps Lock off when he wrote

Anonymous said...

LMAO@ the Chicken comment. I would have throw that shit in trash too!

Anonymous said...

Stop posting shit from your own tea parties, Kanye.

Anonymous said...

I second that comment.....FUCKTAYLORSWIFT we all know Beyonce should have won that award. Plus, it helped Taylor's career, stop feeling sorry for that bitch she'll be alright. Kanye makes AMAZING hip hop!! STOP HATING!

signwithclass said...

First he has a golden tongue and a delicious dick, now he's got morales and is quite normal.
Who's writing this shit and how much is he paying? No one is buying this.
BTW, we already knew about the parties. Question is, what celebrities ARENT involved. Mostly the boy's club. Katt Williams discussed this briefly in his stand up.

Anonymous said...

I love me some 'Ye. I don't find him that physically attractive but his personality attracts me. I also feel he's one of the best in the game. I didn't like Otis, but his parts were much better than Jays.

Anonymous said...

hi Kanye you forgot to mention your clothing line. you slippin?

Anonymous said...

Putting down Chris Brown, and uplifting Kanye, go suck a dick Jayz and Kanye!!

Anonymous said...

I've always said this about 'Ye. He is a big mama's boy who is incredibly talented.

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