Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
Dr. Conrad Murray has been found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.Jacked from TMZ
Jurors came back with the verdict moments ago after a grueling 6-week trial, finding prosecutors proved beyond a reasonable doubt ... Dr. Murray is responsible for MJ's death.
Murray faces up to 4 years behind bars, but the reality is ... he will not go to state prison because of a new law, and will likely serve his time in L.A. County Jail.
Murray is scheduled for sentencing on November 29th.
Murray is what you call a house negro. His greed for money was his motive. Some individual saw that and they used him as a scape goat!
His inability to administer a drug that clearly is only used in a hospital is an example. Someone obtained the drug to give to Murray. I'm quite sure Murray was coached.
He covered up evidence and shredded vital documents. MJ was dead before the paramedics arrived. Murray's time lines did not add up and this was proven in court.
The expert in the field testified and said it should of never been given at home. Expert also said "he would never leave a patient". "It was common for a patient to stop breathing and he would breath for them".
Murray should of been convicted period!!
MJ's only request was to get some rest. Not he is at rest.
Murray knew something may happen so he recorded Mj talking while he was sedated. This would be used as ammunition if something should happen. So Murray to me knew the risks.
His should of taken a plea bargain. The prosecutor had his sh*t together. His defense could not argue the facts.
Now he is a known felon waiting for sentencing!
Murray had way too many mistakes. He made a long list of offences starting from purchasing the propofol to omitting crucial info that could have saved MJ's life from EMTs and ER Docs. Even if he could prove that MJ woke up and gave himself more drugs Murray was still at fault because he should have been in the room to stop it.
(((NITEY NIGHT AND KEEP YOUR BOOTYHOLE TIGHT DOC)))!!! But no joking...the man was WRONG!! The company that hired him and paid him should also be sued and put in jail as well.
It honestly doesn't matter who you sue and put in jail...no one or thing is going to bring Michael back. Just so SAD!
Whatever, Michael Jackson was a junkie...deal with it..he was always in long sleeved shirts and long pants no matter the weather to hide his needle tracks...Dr. Murry only did what MJ asked, he is not a killer, Michael would have ended up dying anyway...His whole life was a lie, like those white kids are his children...They have no MJ DNA in them at all...loved his music but the lies surrounding his life are a joke...
Man all I can say is this dude is lucky he didn't get more time. I heard they hit him with four yrs, which considering how much fame MJ had is kinda lenient. Cats get more time for killing avg niggaz and bitches, whether accidental or on purpose.
@9;13- All TRUE!!!! thank you.
Conrad Murray was my Primary care Physician 2004,2005 for a little over a year. At the time he was a very pleasant man & a great doctor in my opinion. I only switched from him because his office on West Montgomery was too small & there were too many patients. Lots of people had to stand. It was a walk in clinic. I was on medicaid. He had a way of looking at a you & knowing what was wrong with you right away, he was so calm. He was very kind & never impatient. I was 15 at the time. My mother went also & he treated her for back pain. He always saw elderly patients sooner.
finishing from comment 2:24
If people knew how kind Dr Murray is, you would not think he is a killer. He was such a good doctor to his patients in Houston. He was just too nice & did what MJ wanted probably cause he felt sorry for him, & of course money had something to do with it.
This buffoon allowed $$$$to cloud his judgement. MJ was desperate for sleep not drugs. He was not a junkie as proven via autopsy. He was blatantly negligent with the care of MJ. He being the alleged professional he is, knew an anesthetic like propofol should have never been given to any patient as a damn sleep aid 0_o. Seriously. If this was in fact something MJ wanted then Murray would have made sure all necessary equipment monitors etc were available in case of an emergency. Being an alleged cardiologist, he knew first hand theeffects of thisdrug and should have mnever administered to MJ in the maner of which it was given. Doesnt matter what anone thinks ofhis life. It was MJs life and he didnt deserve the way hewastreated here and certainly didnt deserve to die because of greedandneglect. Those children called himdad and that is all that matters.
I think Murray didn't get must time because MJ life expectancy wasn't very much longer. Everybody knew he didn't have much time cause he was killing himself. And Dr Murray probably won't do more than 1 or 2 years.
MJ was a known addict he admitted his self. But what Murray shouldn't of done was to continue to give an addict a lethal dose that killed him!
Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter. He would of gotten probation or even off if he did not obtain drug that is solely used in a hospital.
No professional should allow greed to be a deciding factor. His ability to think in a professional manner clouded his judgement.
YES he assisted. There are people day in day out dying of an overdose. But it is not from a drug which can easily be obtained.
There is a law that exist when it comes to an assisted death but LA is not one of them.
Murray was properly charged.
1> The sole use of drug which is used in "hospital setting" administered by an expert ONLY.
2>Assisted a known addict which resulted in Homicide.
Everyone has common sense and Murray should of used his. I'm think Mr. Murray tried to accommodate MJ when no one else would. I don't think he meant to kill him. If he could go back his answer would of been No.
Murray had help! He was just the one being crucified. His image is forever tarnished due to greed and assisting a known celebrity from country to country.
He maybe able to go to another country to practice medicine. The thing is would they allow him to.
@NubianGoddez I'm2:50
Murray is not arrogant, hes real soft spoken, just has a soft nature, Hes not a very talkative and attitudnal, hes just kinda quiet and doesn't show much emotion. Thats the way he was when he was my doctor. He remained me of a person who had never been poor a day in his life but felt sorry for poor people. he had lots of samples of free medicine, cause the pharmacy would sometimes not honor some prescriptions with medicaid. Also his office visit was $25 for people without insurance.
Murderray was an arrogant bastard who didnt want to listen to anyone. Typical sociopath. So full of himself to blame MJ for his death and acting as though he was an anesthsiologist and a specialist in sleep disorders. His incompetence cost us a great man. He could rot.
Some of you people are so sick, you worship human beings. MJ is gone, stop acting like obsessive neanderthals, crying over a dead celebrity. Damn is your life that empty??
I don't think yall care one way or the other about whether Murray goes to jail, you just wanna fit in with the way you think other people feel. So politically correct. I would slit my wrist before I lived my life that way. you don't give a damn about MJ, you just wanna follow a crowd.
You wish. You just disgruntled because a dark skinned man was punished. Idiot. Take that hypocritical crap you are spewing to hell with you. I have told you before that u have issues.
9:48 You can find the nearest entrance to hell and leave immediately. What I feel and do has nothing to do with psychos like you. Heed this advice and mind your damn business. Ask yourself that question! You are affected by what I had to say about someone you don't know. You can hate the MJ supporters all you want, bitch. Won't make a bit difference. Is your life really that empty?
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