Rack City rapper Tyga had to dance for his supper after thugs pulled guns on him and forced him to perform.
HSK Exclusive - Recently Young Money Records artist Tyga did a show out in Winnipeg,Canada and guess what — After the concert the rapper was held up by gunmen who ordered him to dance. Don’t believe me.. Ask J.D. the concert promoter.Jacked from Diary of a Hollywood Street King
Here’s what the promoter J.D. had to say:
“Tyga was hungry after his concert, so we took him to a diner. The waitress came over and asked ‘who’s paying for the food?’ Tyga pointed his finger at me in a feminine way and said ‘he is’.
I just paid him 15K and he’s acting like that. I was going pay for everybody’s meal, but this Tyga guy is cheap.
The same time Tyga got up with his doggie bag, some thugs approached us. They pulled out handguns. I thought they were going to stick us up, but instead they asked Tyga to dance.
It was funny to see Tyga dancing with his doggie bag under his arm. Jacky, while Tyga was dancing he said ‘Oh my god, what’s going on‘.”
Does a Native Indian gangsta have footage of Tyga dancing with a doggie bag? The answer is yes. When I get the footage, I’ll post it!
Tyga a clown anyway. Not surprised he gets no respect as soon as he leaves his area code.
Why was this funny to me.
he is cheap , when he was in Toronto, he was eating at this restaurant in york ville; while he had his artist honey cocaine ,and her home girl grabbing slices of pizza at pizza pizza. i ;believe the part about him trying to get the promoter to pay for the meal. at the club body english in Mississauga he had a flashing breast contest winner gets 100$ he only gave the winner 50$
those natives out west in Canada move like cartels in mexico, and live in 4th world condition on their reserve. they are not to be fucked with at all. rap music influence them to the gang life and they do it too well
He went out like a bitch! Now he is a Mark. Better beef up security little boy.
there are always sides of cities that people don't want seen, ma'am... never been there either, but i'm not gonna write the whole country off just cuz Justin Beiber and Drake are from there... well i might cuz of Drake, lol. anywho, no shade, no tea, just sayin...
I've been to Canada and got kin up there. It's no joke. In Montreal, the Mafia was running the main airport. In Quebec, they were buying entire houses to turn into weed farms. You got a major Hell's Angels presence. And those Natives live in their own hoods with the drugs, alcohol, violence and firearms. A bunch of Natives with nothing else going will absolutely make Tyga dance for chuckles. Outside the major cities, those white people and Natives aren't afraid of blacks. Black people go into other people's country's and think it's a joke until they get their heads cracked. Some neighborhoods in Canada I would never walk in alone, as bad as the most racist Southern hick town.
shit i thought he was from the rack city where it is more ganstar and ruthless or maybe the video is lyin
Nubian Godess you don't have a clue what thefuck you are talking about! Just because you haven't left your BLOCK doen't mean you know anything about the rest of the world. YOU CAN HAVE SEVERAL seats all teh way down, you ignorant yank. Anishwabi pride bitch! Drake is a bytch and only YOU americans listen to his garbage. Keep Canada out your mouth!
Whoa bruh. Its not that serious.
As a fellow Canadian, I also echo the above comments about parts of Canada and natives.
I actually grew up with some and dated a few of the native girls... luv'em!- down for whateva. The natives dont give a feck tho... 'specially on the reserves... we were selling stuf door-to-door and my mangot CHASED out the reserve. Sometimes theygo there for CHEAP gas... all in all... natives are not to be taken lightly- even tho they are generally nice people.
STUPID AS dsgkfdhgkj
Hey Guess What, It Ended Up On The News BItch!
thanks so much reverse phone detective
his olee fake qanqsta asz
im from winnipeg and theres always crazy stuff going down, and there is alot of crazy gangs, most of them are natives, or young teens, dont judge the city just because justin bieber came from here, nobody likes him here anyways. i know many of my friends that are members of gangs and there are always shootings and stabbings, winnipeg is Ojibway for muddy water or something like that were full of natives that cant take control of there alcohol intake too, they go insane, the poverty is so bad if they need to get high they huff febreez or Listerine or spray paint. and a great amount of natives are born with F.A.S.D. if you wanna see tough come to winnipeg and travel the north end or down town alone.
Ctfu... tyga still it. I would've dance too than be dead... so would all yall above.... I love Tyga he my baby lol.... o and i wouldn't paid for shit either money or no moneyy poww! How u like that
They should of shot him in the face after he was done dancing.
yo you people are sick doesnt matter who the person is its bad news some one being held at gun point ..... hey let see if you find it funi when it happens to you .... he maybe cheap but you still listen to his music
It was funny to see Tyga dancing with his doggie bag under his arm. Jacky, while Tyga was dancing he said ‘Oh my god, what’s going on‘.”
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