Monday, June 11, 2012

Kim Kardashian Joins Kanye and The Carters in Ireland

Kim Kardashian, Jay Z, Beyonce and Blue Ivy all jetted into Ireland for the Dublin stop of the Watch the Throne tour.

Reality star Kim Kardashian jetted into Dublin yesterday to join the rapper on his birthday.
Kanye, who turned 35 yesterday, played the O2 last night alongside Jay-Z as part of their Watch the Throne tour.
Kim, who Tweeted “Hi Dublin Ireland” upon arriving yesterday, was picked up by her boyfriend at Dublin airport.
Also spotted at the airport yesterday was Jay-Z and his wife Beyoncé, who were seen at the VIP entrance of the airport, with Beyoncé holding their baby girl Blue Ivy who was wrapped in a blanket.
Some 13,000 fans packed the O2 last night to see the first of the two Kanye and Jay-Z gigs.
It was expected that Kanye would later celebrate his birthday in the Wright venue in Swords.
Jacked from The Independent


Anonymous said...

Stay tuned pics of Bey and Kim are about to errupt any minute I a sure someone is going to pay them BIG money to pose together and act as if they get along famously. AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm. I see Kimmy made it into the inner circle. Could it be that old ass JayZoo realized that without Kanye, the irrelevancy of his antique ass would be exposed? Jay NEEDS Kanye MORE than Kanye needs him even if he is Kanye's boss. Oh the irony!

Anonymous said...

Kim gets what she wants.

Anonymous said...

There should be a picture of Kim and Bey if they are traveling together.

Anonymous said...

I saw pictures of Jay out with them but not Bey.

Anonymous said...


i don't like kim but in this case, i'm glad. i want her to take beyonce's ass down!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm apparently I read the wrong article. This says NOTHING about her joining THEM on a trip. Seems she joined Cuntye and he picked her up. The Carters were on whole different side of the airport.

Anonymous said...


How is Kim gonna take Beyonce down when she can't even convince Bey to take a picture with her? There aren't any pictures with Kim,Kanye & Jay either.

Anonymous said...

They were not traveling together. The article is worded so it SEEMS like they all arrived in Dublin together. Beyonce, Jay Z and baby Blue arrived earlier and Kim arrived later. Kim's camp is going all out to make us believe Kim is hanging with Jay Z, Beyonce and baby Blue.

Anonymous said...


What'a wrong with you? People always act as though with ALL the blogs and ALL the paparrazzi taking pictures every where the Carters' move this is somehow their fault there are a million posts about them. Bey works her butt off, sings LIVE and as done so for years. Kim slept her way to where she is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

take her down with what talent?

Anonymous said...

WHAT is so damn good or hot about being with Beyonce, fuck that blanket carrying bitch!

Anonymous said...


She wants to use Bey STUPID! Why is it so hard for you understand what this is all about? Are you slow? Stop posting comments, your to dumb.

Anonymous said...

beyonce aint shit and she's no better than kim

Anonymous said...


Kim must believe Bey is better than her, the way shes publically stalking her like a useless piece of garbage.

Anonymous said...

If I was Beyonce I would accidentally run Kim over with my car.

Anonymous said...

Your an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Shut up dumb peckerwood.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce is a whore just like kim and is of mediocre talent.

Leah said...

I can't stand Beyonce or Kim.

Yesenia said...

It was expected that Kanye would later celebrate his birthday in the Wright venue in Swords.

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