Kanye West throws out every stitch of clothing in Kim Kardashian's closet and replaces them with clothes of his own choosing.
Kanye West appears to be calling all the shots in his relationship with Kim Kardashian — at least when it comes to fashion.
In an episode of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” the rapper makes his girlfriend get rid of all of her clothes, which he then replaces by buying her a completely new wardrobe.
The process is very difficult for Kardashian. “I’m literally crying,” she tells West, without shedding a tear. Check out the video below!
This explains why she's been looking a mess since she got with him.
She's about to lose all input she once had in her life, if she stays with this idiot. But if she loves it I like, she's just adding to the bad example she been setting for young girls.
This will not end well.
This is not going to have a pretty ending. This low self esteem having, do what you tell me to and how you want it trick is pathetic. Cuntye is just as bad. What grown man acts like this? What would his momma have said about her?
She will appear at the next award show with a dog leash around her neck. We've all seen this type of behavior. Snoop Dogg brought some females too an award show with dog collars.
Doesn't Kanye also design women's clothes? I'm sorry but any man who is this obsessed with women's fashion, that doesn't tell you something right there?!...
@2:17 P.M
when you think about it you can almost understand why Kim is the way she is when it comes to her men. Her mom is very controlling it make sense that she would be with a man that does the same and she seems to like assholes
After he finished her closet they ate icream and did each other nails.
he'll be beating her soon..he won't touch her face,only where she can hide the bruises
I can't help but feel like this is all a part of Kanye's master plan for some huge stunt... *eats popcorn* I'm just going to keep watching.
This fat lard ass........fuck her and the broom she rode in on
Kanye is playing the FUCK out of her. Her shit will be gone and she won't be able to get it back. The shit Kanye has her wearing is so outdated. The designers have moved on. DUMB bitch! LOL
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