Thursday, August 23, 2012

Porn Star Mr. Marcus Admits Altering STD Results

Porn star Mr. Marcus apologizes for altering STD test results and filming while he was infected with syphilis.
Adult performer Mr. Marcus told XBIZ Tuesday that he is “very sorry” for altering his STI test result that showed he tested positive for syphilis, saying he only worked with the altered test because his doctor assured him that he would not be contagious after taking a shot of penicillin and waiting at least 10 days before any sexual activity. In an emotional interview that at one point brought the 18-year veteran star to tears, Mr. Marcus admitted that he made “mistakes” in recent weeks, but that he never once felt he was endangering anyone else by performing three times between July 24 and Aug. 8.
“I have to live with this, no one else does,” Mr. Marcus said. “I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I did not think that this would come out like this. I’m sorry. All I can do is try to make some good happen. That’s it. I can do that. I can stand up. I’ve been taking a lot of shit. I can take it.” 

Jacked from X Biz Newswire


Anonymous said...

They're all nasty. You take that risk when you screw for money. No one should be shocked. Get out of the business!

Only desperate men and women screw porn stars /strippers and prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why anyone in this business would expect truth with it is all about perversions and lies. Sex sell and money is the main point other then the sexual manipulation that occurs and everyone will lie to get what they want. This business has never been about respect but about distorting a healthy image of sex and yes I have watched porn before but I also see the sides with no boundaries like this story above. The women may be the stars but the men are surely the puppet masters in this equation and behind the scenes. Funny women make up all kinds of excuse to like this kind of profession and lifestyle at first and always seem to have it years later or when they finally retired. Look at Jenna Davidson Jamerson now she looks bad, unhappy and very abused as a result of making a profession out of this lifestyle and she is one of the porn stars who actually made the most money in the career choice.

dreadee said...

Yikes! Syphillis?! Damn...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*shrugs* He's like that guy a few years ago who had AIDS, but doctored his test results so that he could continue to fuck without condoms. As a result, several women contracted HIV.

It's a joke the way some porn stars are all like, "We get tested! We get tested! We're safer than the general population!" A month-old, or even a week-old, test result doesn't tell you what that guy/girl was doing LAST NIGHT, or just before he/she got to the porn set. And how can you be 100% sure that they didn't fake those results so that they'll be allowed to work? You can't. That's why that whole "We get tested!" thing is bunk.

Anonymous said...

@10:30AM - yep, the MEN who work BEHIND THE CAMERA are the ones REALLY making bank! And they don't even have to take off their clothes and have sex! They just direct, produce, and/or distribute the films. Even if a performer does only ONE scene, the producers can make money off her for YEARS, just by putting that one scene in several HUNDRED compilation videos, all with different titles so as to fool the consumer into thinking he's buying/watching a new product.

Just Me said...

A person who is willing to do porn will, likely, do ANYTHING else. So why act surprised?!

I agree, wholeheartedly, with @12:18. I've been saying for years that early detection does NOT equal PREVENTION! Additionally, this bullshit about "we're safer than the majority of the population"...REALLY?! Because the last time I checked, the majority of the population wasn't having sex with complete STRANGERS who have sex with hundreds of other complete strangers on a daily basis. And to top it off,the majority of the population isn't participated in unprotected, PERVERTED acts such as double anal, fisting, ass-to-mouth, etc.

And Jenna Jameson...she claims to have beat the porn system and made out like a bandit, but... She claims to have everything she needs to be happy, a perfect man (who beats the shit out of her), her perfect twins, and a hell of a lot of money, yet is still risking her perfect life by driving drunk (to kill someone else, herself or go to prison) and knifing up her face every chance she gets...things that make you go HMMM...

Anonymous said...

that should be a crime

Anonymous said...

I wonder who was going to expose him? If he thought that he could get away with false results I doubt he would have told the truth. I never really like him as a performer. He comes off very cocky and disrespectful to the girls he's having sex with. Somebody better let superhead know she needs to get a appointment at the health department.

Anonymous said...

“I have to live with this, no one else does,” Mr. Marcus said. “I’m sorry.
Sorry did not do it. You did Mr. Marcus. The people you infected NOW have to live with it. So broke could not wait ten days. Beyond sick phyciopath Should go to jail,

Anonymous said...

excuse me while I go throw up.

Anonymous said...

@Just Me said...

Co-sign to the nth degree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^ Yes! He ejaculated in her mouth. Their both are nasty.

Anonymous said...

He's lucky it's something that's curable, otherwise he'd be facing legal charges. Still could get sued.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am throughly DISGUSTED!! I never could get into or watch porn anyway !!

Anonymous said...

10 days is not 10 yrs, WTF?! Nasty motherfucker couldn't wait 10 GOTDAMNED DAYS for the meds to kick in?!? He should be castrated cause if his desire to fuck is that strong that he can't wait 10 DAYS, no telling what else he's capable of. Nasty bitch.

Anonymous said...

With all the unprotected sex he had he's lucky his dick didn't turn white, dry up and fall off.

Anonymous said...

How do you apologize for something like this? YOU CAN'T!

Anonymous said...

I had the chance to fuck a famous porn star last summer and I'm so glad I didn't. WOW.

Anonymous said...

@5:00pm...I'm sure they don't discriminate. It was not an oppty (chance), it is a possible death sentence.

Anonymous said...

The Isis Taylor chick is right.Marcus has a rep for ejaculating into females without asking.Olivis o' lovey complained about it.

Anonymous said...

If you wanna see his weak ass shit with Supahead go to and type in Karrine Steffans... Her head game ain't shit.

Anonymous said...

^^^Exactly! I was hoping to learn something. She did one lil' trick that had his ass jerkin', but everything else ain't shit nobody else hasn't done.

Nubian, you crack me up. TMI, girl...TMI lol

CaliGirlTex said...

LOL @ Nubian.

Anonymous said...

Boring boring boring. He is overrated and so is she. It's funny he used a condom with her. Bed room skills are boring.

Hell I need to make a video and put my sh*t on the web and let me see how many hits I get! Not!

Kim and Her need to attend sex classes!

Anonymous said...

You had me dying laughing. You are too much I like to read your comments.

Anonymous said...

Cant believe this he got this what a waste

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