Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chris Brown Tests Positive for Marijuana

Chris Brown, who is serving five years probation for assaulting Rihanna in 2009, tested positive for marijuana in Virginia last June.
A Los Angeles Superior Court hearing on Monday revealed that Chris Brown tested positive for marijuana use in a random drug test conducted last June in Virginia. But does that mean he violated the conditions of his probation stemming from his 2009 assault on ex-girlfriend Rihanna?
Judge Patricia Schnegg has set a follow-up hearing for Nov. 1 to evaluate prosecutors' claims that the drug test is only one of multiple ways Brown wasn't behaving himself. They say that probation officials in Virginia -- where Brown has been carrying out his community service sentence -- also believe Brown violated travel restrictions.
In his defense, Brown says that after testing positive for pot, he told Virginia officials that he has a medical marijuana card and he smoked the marijuana in California. The drug test was not ordered by a California judge, but is routine in Virginia.
"I'm not going to order a subsequent drug test, but this is my advice to you: You are not an average person," Schnegg told Brown. "A lot of people look up to you, a lot of kids. What you do and what you say impacts a lot of people."
"I'm going to caution you," Schnegg continued. "You should be very mindful of obeying all laws and rules."
Rihanna tweeted her support of Brown prior to the hearing. After the hearing, Brown tweeted: "I love all the fans and supporters. Back to work. 'Don't judge Me' video is ready. Coming soon."
Jacked from Zap 2 It 


Anonymous said...

so is this the plan? harass him so much that everyone feels sorry for him??

Anonymous said...

Who is harassing him? He's on probation for beating Rihanna's ass, and part of his probation is drug testing. What part of that is harassment.

Anonymous said...

The same bitch he whipped is the same one that will get his ass locked-up

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^^ They do that in California with a medical marijuana card. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Chris legally smoked pot for medical reasons, so it's questionable if another state can hold this against him. Some advocates in California *might* step up and help him with his defense if he's punished in any way.

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