Monday, October 29, 2012

Rihanna Gifting Fans with Real Diamonds

Rihanna plans to gift VIP fans with diamond bracelets on her upcoming Diamonds world tour.

RIHANNA’s accountant won’t be too impressed with her latest ideas for next year’s gigs.
The Bajan star is blowing the budget of her next world tour by forking out on diamond bracelets.
She’s bought a load to give to VIPs so they have an unforgettable experience.
She’s also ordered a diamond-encrusted microphone and mic stand for the shows.
A source said: “She’s been offering to pay for the diamonds out of her own pocket because management weren’t keen.
“She just wants everyone who goes to the gigs to be totally overwhelmed.”
If Rihanna ever has a nipper, their birthday parties would be worth going to just for the goody bags.
Jacked from The Sun


Anonymous said...

Awful cover shot.

Anonymous said...

What a way to get people to come to her shows. They'll be more impressed by the diamonds than her performance, and she knows it. Bold.

RoyaltyBlingLLC said...

I'm sure the v.i.p. Package will cost enough for her to recoup her losses!

Anonymous said...

They tried to photoshop her nose, it just looks a blurry mess.

BeyonceLawsuit said...

her lips have always appeared sinister.....unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

Ain't nothin wrong with her lips

Sherley Petit said...

RIHANNA’s accountant won’t be too impressed with her latest ideas for next year’s gigs.

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