Monday, November 26, 2012

Britney Spears Shunning X-Factor Co-Stars

X Factor judge Britney Spears refusing to speak to Demi Lovato or Khloe Kardashian.
Sounds like some diva dramz is brewing behind the scenes of X Factor!
This time, it has nothing to do with the contestants, but with judges Demi Lovato and Britney Spears and host Khloe Kardashian!
While we’d love to think that the three girls get together after the show for sleepovers and bestie fun times, that just doesn’t seem to be the case!
Reportedly, while at the XF top 12 party in El Lay, Khloe, Demi and Brit Brit barely interacted with each other at ALL… and Khloe even left five minutes into it!
So where does the problem lie?
Well, an insider recently stated:
“Britney thinks she’s a much bigger star than Khloe or Demi. She won’t talk to either of them.”
While it’s no surprise that Brit Brit’s star definitely shines brighter, could she really be that dismissive towards her co-stars?!
The source explained:
“When Khloe is on camera, Britney seems totally annoyed. She rolls her eyes and looks at the audience, then at her nails, then at the floor.”
Oh shiz… sounds like our sweet Southern blossom must just not be a Kardashian fan! LOLz! As for what Khloe thinks of all of this? She’s supposedly “aware” of Brit Brit’s feelings towards her and says their relationship is “clearly business.”
However, it looks like Mz. Kardashian Odom does have DemDem on her side — Demi championed Khloe as a host from the start and the two bond as friends!
Though the source says Britney could soon be headed towards a meltdown, Demi has been keeping cool by focusing on her contestants.
Perhaps three’s a crowd?
We’d still like to think that the girls are mature and professional enough to get along… or at least, fight nice!
Jacked from Perez Hilton


Anonymous said...

The more I read comments like this it only confirms to me that Hollywood is a fked up place with people who have money and a very low sense of self or humanity. They don't know how to get along with other because there have been programmed to be narcissist and other then.

Anonymous said...

Brittany is the only one that deserves to be there. Demi doesn't know whats shes doing, khloe sucks at hosting. She reads the teleprompter likes shes in the third grade, they don't need her. Plus she acts completely nervous every show.

Anonymous said...

fuck all 3 of these no talent hack bitches really ....who of these 3 have actual "real" talent?...the contestants have more talent than that cocain head Dimi,or drugged up Britney,and def more talent in taking a piss the Khloe(the hut) Karfakian....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one wondering how in the hell Khloe managed to look the best in the above photo?! I used to stan for Britney back in the day: now, I'm just embrrased. I never knew Demi had such a pie face.

Anonymous said...

^ I was going to say the same thing! I saw the pic and was like, "what is that THING in between Khloe and Britney?"

Demi looks like Boy George.

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