Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Joe Simpson Gay Escort Tells All

In a video taped interview gay escort Joey Anderson describes his encounter with Jessica Simpson's father Joe Simpson in great detail.

In an ENQUIRER bombshell World Exclusive VIDEO a gay male escort sits down with The NATIONAL ENQUIRER in a no-hold-barred interview about his alleged wild night of gay sex with JESSICA SIMPSON’s dad, JOE.
Male escort JOEY ANDERSON, who passed a lie detector test, reveals exactly what he claims happened when he answered a call from a $1,000-a-night suite at New York’s Manadrin Oriental Hotel to engage in unprotected gay sex.
Watch the video [here]
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

He looks like Paris Jackson.

Anonymous said...

I know this sounds crazy but is NOTHING sacred? If you're going to be a ho, be a good ho and stfu so you keep your check rolling in. These new school hoes and pros get greedy and look to cash in immediately and forget that if you keep your mouth quiet, you can be on the payroll for some years.

I know a chick that's messed with Madonna, Prince, Mos Def, and a few other folks and while she's been offered the chance to spill what she knows, she doesn't and she won't. In the meantime, the chick is in a few B-list movies and on the way up. Her house is paid for and the girl has Hollywood connects out the ass. I'm not gonna say her name, but I've seen her for a few years now and chick knows how to handle her business.

This dude here just bought his freaking burial plot. Greedy asses.

Donald Rountree said...

In a video taped interview gay escort Joey Anderson describes his encounter with Jessica Simpson's father Joe Simpson in great detail.

Anonymous said...

Great tea! However, why is this man dragging Joe out of the closet? Damn, I don't think it's fair to do that to anyone. These ho's don't have any scrupples lol!

Anonymous said...

I swear when I glanced at this picture, I thought it was Paris Jackson! then I read the title and saw this was a dude.

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