Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lindasy Lohan Probation to be Revoked

Lindsay Lohan set to have her probation revoked after lying to cops about her car accident.
Lindsay Lohan is about to have her probation revoked ... TMZ has learned.
We broke the story ... Lindsay will be charged with the criminal offense of lying to a police officer. As you recall, she told Santa Monica cops she was not driving her Porsche last June when it slammed into an 18-wheeler on Pacific Coast Highway. Fact is, she was -- and lying to cops is a crime.
Sources connected with the case tell TMZ ... when the Santa Monica City Attorney files the criminal case against Lindsay, it will go to L.A. County Superior Court Judge Jane Godfrey for arraignment. At the time Lindsay is arraigned, we're told Judge Godfrey will revoke Lindsay's probation and set the matter for a full hearing, on grounds she violated her probation in the jewelry case by breaking the law.
In case you're wondering, the judge who handled the jewelry case, Stephanie Sautner, will not be involved in the probation violation case. Once Lindsay was sentenced, the probation case gets sent to whatever judge is hearing the next criminal case against LiLo.
We're told the criminal case will be filed soon.
Jacked from TMZ


Anonymous said...

white people dont go to jail for their crimes. she ha violate parole a dozen times and has had charges dropped numerous times. she a criminal has hasn't spent any time in jail. if she was a black female she would be doing 10 yrs in the feds

Anonymous said...

i agree with you man. these ppl aint' never gon learn cause they don't teach them.

Anonymous said...

This bish will spend 15 minutes in jail while her Black lawyer gets her bailed out and she'll be on to her next fuckery.

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