Angry shoppers are demanding Macy's remove Donald Trump from their Magic of Christmas ad campaign because of his divisive remarks about the 2012 presidential election.
More than 400,000 people have signed an online petition demanding that Macy's fire human ocarina Donald Trump from their ad campaign and remove his merchandise from their stores. Signers object to Trump's obsession with the "racially charged birther conspiracy" and his frequent calls for overthrow of the democratically elected government. I guess they have a point—"terra cotta plutocratic genocidal warlord" doesn't exactly scream THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS.
Um, yeah, and by the way? Can the fucking Apprentice get canceled already? Can somebody fire Donald Trump from something? Aren't there ANY consequences for being literally the worst guy in the country!?!? Pleeeeeeeeease???Jacked from Jezebel
You're fired!
The petition may work but I doubt it. They tried to protest against fox news for the ( barack Osama) comment nothing happened.
TheDonald has always been an arrogant pos...but I had a certain level of respect for simple human being with a savvy about business.
That is until he showd his TRUE self and crawled or rather slithered into the cesspool that is rushbo, michael savage, that levine guy billo with the rest of fox noise idiots, birthers and general teabaggery full of haters.
Yep! Trump the chump's brand is tarnished and soiled. Sore Loser.
You love Romney's plan for China...yet all your shit is made in China. Can't take this clown seriously.
I hope this petition works...he needs to go in the background like now!!!
...meanwhile after christmas people will forget and go back to buying his bullshit (and the rest of the shit that was made in china)...
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