Monday, December 31, 2012

Demi Moore Taking Ashton Kutcher to the Cleaners

The major sticking point in the Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher divorce is money.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher don’t have kids to argue over so money has become the default source of conflict ... ironic since both of them are loaded.
Sources very familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the sticking point in the divorce has been that Demi wanted the same type of settlement from Ashton that she got from Bruce Willis. We do not know the details of the Willis-Moore settlement, but sources tell us she scored big time.
Demi is FAR richer than Ashton -- the value of her New York Apartment alone is around $25 mil.
As TMZ first reported, Ashton waited for more than a year before filing for divorce Friday because he wanted to give Demi the dignity of doing it first ... but she never pulled the trigger. Other sources say Demi was waiting for a financial resolution.
What’s curious is that filing for divorce earlier would have made more sense ... because they still have to wait six months before the divorce is final.
Jacked from TMZ


Anonymous said...

Demi go away with this desperate sh$t!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Demi a little OLD to be acting like this??? I co-sign with Anon@11:57.

Anonymous said...

Demi, get a grip woman!
He does not want you ANYMORE!
You are NOT YOUNG anymore!
You're dripping with bitterness, it's not attractive!
You are reaping the karma for the marriage breaking shit you did with Freddy Moore's 1st wife
and the understandable but cruelly insensitive shit you did to your alcolholic sick mother.
Demi, stop the madness!

Anonymous said...

That is one bitter old bitch!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her! She raised him, lol

Anonymous said...

She doesn't deserve anything because he has his own before they married and she is an old bitter woman. all the plastic surgery could not bring her back her youth and that is why she us mad.. lol.. silly rabbit.... She deserves nothing because she did nothing to help him make his money or establish himself in his career. She has mesed it up for olde women who date younger men who are already no more courgars allowed!!!!!!!!!

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