Thursday, December 13, 2012

Taylor Swift Branded the Yoko Ono of One Direction

Taylor Swift's new romance with One Direction's Harry Styles is causing friction within the group.
HARRY Styles’s lover Taylor Swift has been branded the Yoko Ono of One Direction.
There are fears his relationship with the mega-rich singer could break up the band.
Tensions reached boiling point on Saturday when Harry, 18, jumped on her private jet instead of travelling from New York with the rest of 1D. The lads had to fight their way through a crowd of fans at Heathrow and Liam Payne, 19, suffered painful injuries in the scrum.
A source said last night: “There was loads of room for the rest of the band in Taylor’s luxury jet but he didn’t even suggest they travelled together.”
Harry and the country star, 22, have been inseparable and he took her to Manchester for 1D’s X Factor performance last night.
The source added: “It’s really not far off from the Yoko situation.”
The Beatles split in 1970 and fans have always blamed Yoko’s influence on husband John Lennon.
Meanwhile, Harry has been warned by a music boss not to break Taylor’s heart — because she has a history of writing about exes.
Head of her Sony Nashville label, Troy Tomlinson, said: “If you’re going to do Taylor Swift wrong as a boy, you’ll wind up in a song.”
Jacked from The Sun


Anonymous said...

Taylor don't waste no time do she? she be on to the next in a matter of minutes. yeah she swift. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Possible lyrics to Taylor's next break up song:

I'm like Cher, He's like Sonny Bono
But they say I'm like Yoko Ono
Breaking his group, to write a song
We broke up, he did me wrong
One direction don't you start
To sour on America's Sweethart
I'm on to the next
Teen boy I wanna hex
Oh why can't I find my true love?

SMDH at that girl.

Anonymous said...

See this why she keep dating these lil boys cause she couldn't pull this shit with a grown man. Plus she a damn stalker, always buying houses close to these teenage boys. She a damn creep and idk why she get a pass just cuz she Taylor Swift. Somebody need to write a song about her ass!

nba is fixed said...

See how quickly Gossip Jacker took down the Taylor Swift lesbian story. The little rat has got a powerful team of fixers and PR people working for her.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin perv. I guess the other boy turned 19 and that was to old for her!

Lisbeth Nunley said...

great advice and discussing,I will get this amazing for me .thank you!...

Hyacinth Kaye said...

There was loads of room for the rest of the band in Taylor’s luxury jet but he didn’t even suggest they travelled together.”

Anonymous said...

Trailer Swift is a pedophile and a stalker.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Talor is such a many men damn!!!Then she tries to look innocent..with her innocent clothes and demure makeup..little whore

Ethelene Hoppe said...

Heathrow and Liam Payne, 19, suffered painful injuries in the scrum.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Swiff=Trollop, hussy cow,wench

Anonymous said...

Wow she really is a slut. and maybe a pedo. that's gross.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to put this HO on Chris Hanson's To catch a predator list. The police need to keep Taylor away for playgrounds and parks.

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