Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vanessa Williams Devastated Over Series Cancellation

Vanessa Williams shocked and devastated after her new series '666 Park Avenue' is canceled after just seven episodes.
VANESSA WILLIAMS was shocked when her new TV series “666 Park Avenue” was canned after just seven episodes – and now the badly shaken 49-year-old beauty fears her career is headed in the same direction.
The former Miss America thought she had landed a surefire hit – starring as the matriarch of a haunted Manhattan apartment building – and she tossed aside several other offers to take the role.
“Horror shows like ‘The Walking Dead’ and ‘American Horror Story’ had created such a buzz, ABC wanted into the game and wooed Vanessa to come on board,” revealed an insider. “They convinced her the show was tailor-made for her and could be on the air 10 years.”
But those promises quickly evaporated. Vanessa felt shortchanged on screen time and believed the show was poorly promoted, leading to an ever-shrinking viewership.
The much-anticipated series debuted in September to a mediocre audience of seven million, and by its Nov. 11 airing, that number had shrunk to four million.
For Vanessa, the disaster brought back painful memories of her resignation as Miss America in 1984. It was sparked by “Penthouse” magazine publishing scandalous nude photos taken of her before she’d found fame. She felt the photographer betrayed her trust by allowing the private photos to be published.
“Vanessa became less trusting, and now she feels like she fell for it again,” said a source.
“This is terribly upsetting. Vanessa knows she’s getting older and won’t be able to rely on her stunning looks much longer.”
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

How did the cancellation of her show in 2012 "bring back painful memories of her resignation as Miss America in 1984"?? Why was it necessary to mention an almost 30 year old scandal in the article at all??? That was seriously reaching.

nba is fixed said...

Did Vanessa Williams or ABC executives really believe that people would tune in to watch a tv show called 666?

nba is fixed said...

Vanessa should be worried because she knows she became a star mainly because of her looks. She is forty nine and is no longer a sex symbol. Lucky for her she can act and sing. Her hollywood career isn't over but she will not get as many roles as she used to. The few roles for black actresses will go to Zoe, Kerry and Meagan first. Face facts, it's a young girls game and Vanessa knows it. I hope Vanessa doesn't do what Demi is doing. I hope she doesn't ruin her legacy, that would be a real scandal.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to watch or work on a project involving the number '666'. Are they serious?

I'm not surprised of the cancellation. It was on ABC. Much like NBC and FOX networks it's regulated to death, which is why many shows with potential get canceled. Some of these producers need to take their ideas to cable networks like AMC and TNT.

Anonymous said...

Nobody wanted to watch that satanic show. Even if the theme of the show wasnt the title implied that it was. #stupid

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