Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ahmad Rashad and Sale Johnson's Divorce Gets Messy

Johnson & Johnson heir Sale Johnson has banned estranged hubby Ahamd Rashad from their swanky social club in Jupiter, Florida.
The split between NBA TV analyst and former NFL star Ahmad Rashad, and his multimillionaire socialite wife of eight years is getting downright ugly.
Rashad, 63, is no longer allowed in the fancy Jupiter community of The Bears Club after wife Sale Johnson asked security guards not to let him in unless she approves it, a Club insider tells Gossip Extra.
Sale Johnson, the ex-wife of Johnson & Johnson heir Woody Johnson, owns a $5 million-home at the Club developed by golf legend Jack Nicklaus around a world-class golf course.
According to records, the five-bedroom house is considered to be Rashad and Johnson’s marital home, even if the deed is solely under her name.
–Get it before The Palm Beach Post: Sign up for the Gossip Extra daily dirt alerts Ex-fashion model Johnson’s move came on the day last week when Gossip Extra revealed exclusivelythat the two were negotiating a settlement despite the fact that the divorce has yet to be filed.
“Sale cut Ahmad off from all the clubs they’re members of, and had the fob that gets him through the guard gate at the Bears Club deactivated,” the source said. “Actually, he got through and went to the clubhouse. But the guards asked him to leave and escorted him out.
“Ahmad and Sale are not on speaking terms right now. Things are being done through lawyers. They barely had a marriage anyway. He’s always gone with the basketball thing.”
Rashad and Johnson were married in 2007. He had just gone through a public split with actressPhylicia Rashad while Sale made a reported $100 million in her divorce from New York Jets part-owner Woody.
A second source, meanwhile, is telling me that Sale is armed with an iron-clad pre-nup that won’t pay Rashad anything once the divorce is final.
His fortune is estimated at about $8 million.
Last week, the New York Post reported that the bad blood between Rashad and Johnson started when Johnson allegedly tried to ban Rashad from seeing buds Michael Jordan, the NBA legend who’s building a home near Johnson’s pad at the Club, and golfer Tiger Woods, who lives in nearby Jupiter Island.
Neither Johnson nor Rashad returned calls for comment.
Jacked from Gossip Extra


Anonymous said...

Of course that white women is treating him like the field negro slave he is. She grew tired of his black dick, and now she is ready to discard him like dirt, and move on to some new flavor (maybe Latino, who knows). Ahamd treated Phylicia Rashad like shit and thought he had the prize with that white woman, who is treating Ahamd like a contaminated filthy negroe - Karma is a bitch. One day these ignorant ass black men are going to realize that the white woman don't give a shit about their black asses, and the fact is the white woman will show her true colors of hatred for the black man by discarding, humiliating them, and treating them like the scum they are. Wake up black man!!!

Anonymous said...

get that money dhango

hardtoplz said...


Anonymous said...

Is that dried up gargoyl really a prize, tho? Ahmad u need to be SHAME nigga. 7 years ...

Anonymous said...

Sale is a former model. What was she modeling bags of dog food. Sale looks just like an ugly tranny.

Anonymous said...

wow he looks 50 and she looks 70...Really Ahmad, really? You dogged Claire for this bitch? And now she is dogging

Aundrea Bivins said...

Great job on the site, it looks outstanding. I am going to save it and will make sure to check often.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a post op male to female tranny. Mr Ahmad how do you go from one of the most beautiful women of all time to something that looks like a man? I hope you got a good deal in the prenup.

dreadee said... DOWNGRADE. I don't give a shit how much money she got.

Anonymous said...

It goes to show what people will do for money!

just me said...

she ugly as shit.

Anonymous said...

SMH he had to hit that from behind and be drunk hope he didn't go downtown

Anonymous said...

their photo doesn't look like 2 people in love

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