Monday, January 7, 2013

Beyonce and Lady Gaga Teaming Up for Ratchet Single

Beyonce and Lady Gaga are joining forces again for a ratchet new single written by up and coming rapper Azealia Banks.
BEYONCE and LADY GAGA are finally preparing a follow-up track to their hit single Telephone.
The video to their 2010 song promised “To Be Continued” – now the sequel appears to be on its way.
A few months back Lady Gaga posted a snap of herself wearing earrings with the word “Ratchet” written on them.
Now Bey has followed it up with a snap of the same item hanging from her ears.
Gaga’s previously confirmed that she has a new song called Ratchet, which is co-written by rapper AZEALIA BANKS.
The track will be their third collaboration. The first was for Beyonce’s track Video Phone in 2009.
JAY-Z’s missus is due to sing at American football’s Super Bowl next month so she could debut the song with Lady Gaga then, in front of a monster TV audience.
Even Gaga can’t cause as much trouble at the game as M.I.A. did last year...
Jacked from The Sun


Operation: BeastMode said...

cot DAMN Stefani .. you better be thanking your lucky stars for the inventors of makeup & plastic surgery . .

Anonymous said...

Lady gaga is one ugly bitch!

Anonymous said...

lady gaga looks like the blood clots on my dirty sanitary napkin.

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga looks like a tranny

Anonymous said...

Why does it have to be "ratchet"? (and I hate the fact that word took off as slang)

Anonymous said...

beyonce is about to reinvent herself again. she's about to take the game over again. sasha is out, this new ratchett chick is in

Anonymous said...

@12:14 Actually Beyounce looks like a tranny and Lady Gaga looks like a MAN

Anonymous said...

MAYBE Gaga could pull off a song called "Ratchet", if she had a true connection to urban culture. But BEY? She's in her damn 30s with a child. This is not the direction she should be taking at all. Matthew Knowles better step in and take the reigns. LOL How you get a $50mil deal with Pepsi and following that with all these hood photos? 50mil + Pepsi= MAINSTREAM.


Anonymous said...

Why does she have that camp on? Beyonce don't care about Houston. She never comes to Houston. Or participates in anything to do with Houston. I still like her though.

Anonymous said...

these two illuminati slaves get more boring by the day

birthdaypartynewyork said...

The track will be their third collaboration. The first was for Beyonce’s track Video Phone in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Omg I smell a FloooooooooooooooooOoooop. Btw crazy stans, did you know that BeyFake doesn't even run her own Instagram?

Anonymous said...

Lmao at 10:02! Don't these two know nobody likes that word? Bey is so old and out the loop, she doesn't even know this! Stans are so delusional.

Anonymous said...


Lol I was thinking the same thing she is not attractive at all why did Beyonce need to team up with her for this song. Also she is getting music from A Banks why she is anotehr Nicki M I can't understand what the hell are they rapping about does the music even have a point?

Anonymous said...

Beyonce's wig has more personality than she does. Why every performance or video she has that fan blowing it in the wind and she flips it around all over the top & crazy and it aint even her real hair? BEYondpathetic.

Anonymous said...

You people been complaining about this woman for too many years.

What is the point? theres nothing you can do about her success, but continue to buy her music & show up at her concerts like you been doing. I would hate to be so jealous of another human being, it must be very painful.

Anonymous said...

@10:36 this must be so very painful for you to come on this blog and talk about others who post here about gossip & celebrities for fun and call it COMPLAINING and THIS "but continue to buy her music & show up at her concerts like you been doing." YOU are the only one doing this because none of us are.

Anonymous said...


There is nothing pathetic about Beyonce. Everyone wears weaves & wigs. You need to get out more.
Everybody has there time in the limelight & then there time is up. Beyonce did a real good job with her life, 16 yrs & counting. I'm proud of her, shes living the american dream. if she needs to go to the hospital to have an operation, she won't have to ask anybody for a dime.

The things I like most about bey is that she doesn't beef with people that hate her, She just continues to work & ignores them. She strong. I love strong people. I can't stand whiny complaining jealous, low self esteem people who hate on other peoples success.

No matter how much people hate on or bash Bey, she never says a word. Most people aren't capable of that. You people will never make Bey crawl up in the fetal position.

You fools know Bey doesn't worship the devil. Usually if someone worships the devil, they will proudly admit it & its usually WHITE people. They are the devil.

& There are no original artists anymore.

Anonymous said...


Unless you are Beyonce's best friend exactly how you know about all of those endearing qualities? Please explain.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:07 Beyonce does worship the devil.

Anonymous said...

Bey doesnt run her own Instadamn, hell if I had her money, then I would not run my own too. Ashton K. said he didnt run his Twitter. A lot of famous rich folks DONT RUN THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA..COUGH FANTASIA COUGH!!

Anonymous said...


Beyonce does not worship the devil. she made a video not too long ago saying "why did GOD give me this talent" with tears in her eyes. People who worship the devil don't believe in God. They don't think hes real.

You are too stupid to realize that most black people believe in GOD, its usually WHITE people that worship the devil because they are the devil.

I don't know who came out with this trend to say black artists are worshiping the devil.

They also get angry at God when they get illnesses & blame him if they have hardships. Like they are supposed to be excluded from suffering.

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