Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beyonce and Solange Get High Praise From Designers

Designer Rubin Singer says Beyonce and Solange Knowles are the only celebrities who return clothes dry cleaned in a box and with a thank you note.
Designer Rubin Singer, who recently dressed Beyoncé for a private concert in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve, tells Glamour that Beyoncé and Solange Knowles are "the only celebrities that always dry clean and send clothes back in a box, with a hand-written thank you note. They are true ladies."
That's lovely of them. Now just imagine all those other celebrities returning dirty, stinky, noteless garments in an old grocery bag months later, if at all.
Jacked from The Cut


Operation: BeastMode said...

This bitch lookin like a busted Side Show Bob .. ugh, just go away

Anonymous said...

That's a respectful thing to do, very classy ladies. Tina raised them well.

Anonymous said...

I get so sick of these chicks and their famewhoring ways. BUT I must admit that hearing this bit about how they return the clothes they borrow, makes me smile and appreciate what a classy thing to do. My mother would do that too but she stopped loaning her clothes to her friends all together because just one of her friends would give them back funky and damaged. Her motto now is never borrow or loan!

AlWel said...

Very classy

Anonymous said...

Devilworshippers can have manners as well.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear. That's what should be done.

Anonymous said...

Very classy thing for them to do!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^^Get real. Anyone with any home training woul have done the same. Apparentyly you needed to be shown a lesson. Sheesh

Anonymous said...

Beyonce looks retarded in that pictuRe..sloW & slower. I curse the day Matthew Knowles & Mama Tina unleashed them on the world. But, they will go away soon cos aint nobody checking for or buying their crap anymore.

Anonymous said...

At least Bey makes a lot of people happy, but you who has contributed absolutely nothing to the world but jealousy and hate, make people sick.

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2013 7:14 PM
yep true hoes!!!!

Anonymous said...


is you? Damn, where did you go to school?

I never said someone has to be famous to have value, MORON! & don't try to twist my comments, that jealous bitch hasn't made an impact on shit! You people can dish it, but you can't take it. If one post a negative comment. He/she will receive negative feedback or response.

Self hatin rich black people don't work hard, they pitty themselves & become very self destructive. They definitely don't want a black significant other or black children. I can name about 30 selfhating black famous people that don't have black kids. Somehow Bey is a selfhating black woman that wants a black family.

I notice by reading most of you peoples comments on this blog. That most of you aren't very smart. Just because someone is famous doesn't mean that they are worthless & have no feelings. They have feeling just like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

they always said Bey was a sweetheart...

Anonymous said...

@6:06 Again, are YOU famous? Have YOU made an impact on 7 billion people like Beyaki has (in your mind)? Since you ASSume to know what everyone on the internet does.

That's good (or indicative that you have misplaced priorities) that you can name "30 selfhating black famous people that don't have black kids". Usually when I read these posts Beyodel marrying a black man (who was a crack dealer and vomits mindless lyrics in his songs) wasn't peoples' problem with her.

If you want to know who causes the most "jealousy and hate" in the world, go to every government, corporation, church and synagogue to find the real culprits, not some anon poster who doesn't give a damn about this p-popping tramp.

But I'll leave you to writhe your face on Beystankin's poon-line, since you seem to get most of your life there.

Anonymous said...


I wasn't talking to you Bitch! I was talking to Truth be told.

GOOD GRACIOUS! You people sure get angry when others don't agree with your Beyonce hate. You can't force everybody to hate Bey. So stop trying.

Why you worrying about my comment about an anon? Just don't click on Bey posts if you CAN'T STAND positive comments about her. I know you believe shes not worthy of anything but hate. So you lose it. Why don't you get some mental help? cause Positive comments about Bey is gonna give you a heart attack.

& I'm just a VOICE OF REASON. All that bull shit you typed, doesn't apply to me.

Anyways shouldn't you be somewhere masterbating to MJ posters?

Anonymous said...

Beyonce's wig looks like it's too heavy even for her masculine tranny neck in this pic

Anonymous said...

Say beyonce, do you ever take that thing off?

Anonymous said...


White people voted Bey the most beautiful woman in the world. Even INBREDS have to admit how stunning Bey is.

Anonymous said...


At least Beys wig is not full of LICE like your hair. How often do you have to shampoo the infestation?

finemech said...

Designer Rubin Singer says Beyonce and Solange Knowles are the only celebrities who return clothes dry cleaned in a box and with a thank you note.

Hye Battles said...

It's good to see this information in your post, i was looking the same but there was not any proper resource, thanx now i have the link which i was looking for my research. . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Southerns are have a courteous way about them.

Anonymous said...

I wish idiots would comment on the damned story instead of arguing amongst each other. Give us a break with that shit. Go to a chat room and argue it out. Damn! I thought I was going to the comments section to read what people had to say about the topic. This is some stupid ass elementary school shit... "I know I'm not, but what are you?" What!? Get outta here with stupid shit! Please

rentattahoe said...

For one reason or another, I can’t see all of this content, stuff keeps hiding? Are you utilising something crazy?

Anonymous said...

Bey & Solange have different fathers. Beyonce knows Matthew is not her biological daddy. I believe Tina was pregnant with Bey when she met Matthew. Also seems like Bey & Solange are not very close.

startupzz said...

Solange Knowles are "the only celebrities that always dry clean and send clothes back in a box, with a hand-written thank you note. They are true ladies."

Anonymous said...

People this is a common courtesy. Common sense, simple home training. Nice of them but nothing anyone else would not do. You clean, return it back the way it was before you borrowed a particular item especially clothes.

Anonymous said...


The post specifically says Bey & Solange are the ONLY celebrities that dry clean & send clothes back in a box. with a handwritten thank you note.

Evidentially NO ONE ELSE in the Industry has home training or common courtesy but Bey & Solange Dumbass!

Anonymous said...

Damn Gossip Jacker, who died?

Anonymous said...

"The post specifically says Bey & Solange are the ONLY celebrities that dry clean & send clothes back in a box. with a handwritten thank you note."


Bey and Solange are the only celebrities that dry clean and send clothes back in a box TO THIS DESIGNER.

So technically there are probably other celebs with home training. Calm down, bitch.

Anonymous said...


To whom else should they send the DESIGNERS clothes back to, which they got from the DESIGNER idiot

In general, according to the DESIGNER they are the only celebrities with home training bitch.

Anonymous said...


Can anyone give bey a compliment without you bitchin & getting pissed off? Bey is human. She deserves to be complimented just like anyone else. Why do you feel the need to hate her so much BITCH?!

Whats your problem HO!

Anonymous said...


Again, DUMBASS, this particular designer mentioned Beyonce's and Solange's cleanliness and courtesy when sending HIS clothes back to HIM. Now unless he's the ONLY DESIGNER IN THE WORLD to lend out clothes to EVERY celebrity on the face of the Earth, he (nor YOU) does NOT know whether other celebs have home training and can be just as courteous or not.

Take your tongue off Beyonce's clit and THINK, you fucking idiot.

@11:07 aka 10:56

To answer your question ho, NO I will not give this trick a compliment simply because it pisses you off, bum bitch. Log off and get a life!

Anonymous said...


bum bitch? how original! You are the one clicking on a week old post about someone you hate typing unnecessary hateful shit. I love Bey, you're the one who needs to get a life.

& I didn't ask you to give bey a compliment WEIRDO! All the other designers most likely share his opinion.

From now on stay, off bey posts Bitch!

Anonymous said...

"You are the one clicking on a week old post"

Oh, the obsession and hypocrisy. LOL

You silly bitch.

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