Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kerry Washington Causing Trouble at the White House?

Insiders are whispering about the friction between First Lady Michelle Obama and actress Kerry Washington.

MICHELLE OBAMA cast an ugly shadow over her husband’s second inauguration when she flew into a jealous rage over a sexy Hollywoodstar.
Sources in Washington, D.C., revealed exclusively to The ENQUIRER that thefirst lady, 49, exploded at Barack behind closed doors over “Scandal” beauty Kerry Washington.
Michelle is said to be so insecure about the president’s appeal to Kerry and other beauties she got a new hairstyle that takes years off her appearance and, coincidentally, closely resembles the 35-year-old actress’ look.
“Michelle’s jealous rage put a damper on the inauguration, but at least the meltdown took place behind closed doors,” a White House source told The ENQUIRER. “The public only saw her smiling and supporting him. But, believe me, it was one of their ugliest fights ever.
“Michelle got it in her mind that Barack was finagling to have Kerry added to more committees so they could spend time together.”
Last April, The ENQUIRER revealed that Michelle banned the single actress from the White House, fearing she would get too close to the president after he appointed her to his arts and humanities committee.
What’s more, Barack chose Kerry to speak at last summer’s Democratic National Convention.
“Kerry may have no idea how smitten Barack is with her, but Michelle clearly has the claws out,” said the White House source.
“Michelle ripped into Barack, telling him, ‘Stay away from that woman!’ And she was furious when she found out Kerry had been invited to the inauguration.”
Inflaming matters even more, Kerry tweeted her excitement to the world: “On board. Buckled in. DC bound...Inauguration 2013. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!”
But the First Lady wasn’t about to take the challenge lying down and fired back by unveiling her new look just before the presidential inauguration on Jan. 21.
“She knew that the eyes of the world would be on her and the president,” said the source. “She wanted to look sensational for the big day and outshine Kerry, the woman she sees as her competitor. It’s no coincidence that Michelle started wearing her new hairdo just four days after Kerry debuted the same look on the red carpet at the Golden Globes.” Confided a political insider: “Michelle is going to fight for her man and do whatever it takes, even if that means changing her looks.”
Ironically, on her ABC drama “Scandal,” Kerry plays crisis management boss Olivia Pope, who is having a steamy affair with the fictional president. “That fact is not lost on Michelle,” said the insider. “She has been unhappy for some time over her husband’s flirting with Kerry, and she’s had some furious fights with Barack over it. No one except maybe Michelle believes there is anything more than innocent flirtations between the president and Kerry but her worst nightmare would be finding out he’s cheated on her.”
Jacked from The National Enquirer 


Anonymous said...

I knew this long time ago, I do believe the affair is over. Kerry said it in a interview!!!

Anonymous said...

oh well, he's human.. he may be crushing on Kerry who knows. And if this is true, Michelle's intuition has kicked right on in.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, if it was so true then those white repulicans, the teaparty, NRA, Cornel West, Tavis Smiley etc. could not wait to have used this to destroy him. Please, we all know this is BS, Michelle I am sure does not even speak that way "Stay away from that woman" (laughable) Believe me Michelle is too smart,beautiful and classy to be worried about these silly star struck actresses/singers, because if that is the case the marriage would have been over along time ago. Barack loves his beautiful wife and children, and he is not going to let anyone destroy his marriage or family thats for sure. It does not mean that these racist scum have not tried, I am sure Michelle has told Barack don't be stupid over some silly pussy like John Edward, and loose your family, your career, and reputation like that dumb ass did. Barack is smart too, he may smile, but he don't want them dumb bitches, no matter how much they google eye him.

Anonymous said...

Who would believe this garbage?

Some people can't stand to see that Barack loves Michelle, cause they feel shes ugly. Being happy is not always about being with a stereotypical attractive woman. Shes beautiful to Barack & that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of yt publications always trying to pit successful black women against each other. First Beyonce (Who Michelles LOVES), now Kerry. smh. Even worse are The Gullible who believe it.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Oprah. This story wreaks bullshit.

Anonymous said...

If Michelle feels threating then she has a right to fight for her marriage or family but all of the women in Obamas face even Beyonce look smitten. At a wife or even a girlfriend that would be hard for me to take all the time.

All most women want to see is their man keeping things in prosective and checked because if Barack checked the situation what could the other woman say nothing because affairs needs two willing parties.

I would just love to meet a man who know his ground and stands on it firmly that would be so sexy to me. If Barak really loves his wife he would reaffirm her and keep it moving. All of these women around him is just trying to put another notch on there belt there are like K Kardashians.

Anonymous said...

Please folks Michelle has nothing to worry about with Kerry Washington... if Pres want to go get it on with Kerry then best believe there is alot of men around and in washington, dc that wants Michelle bad!!! thats powerful white and black men! we all know she is smarter than the pres and kerry is not all that pretty. Go Get Yours Michelle...love you

Anonymous said...

First lady doesn't have to worry about Kerry she likes white boys.President is too dark for her taste.

Anonymous said...


I do wonder how does aging females (40s and up) deal with their husbands being physically more attractive than them because in alot of cases men age far more gracefully than females.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same thing kerry washington did in the chris rock movie, l really love my wife? Where she pursued chris rock's married character? Maybe kerry really does not act. maybe this is how she really is.

chiptuning lkw said...

But the First Lady wasn’t about to take the challenge lying down and fired back by unveiling her new look just before the presidential inauguration on Jan. 21.

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