Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Kim Kardashian Says Pregnancy Is Hard

Kim Kardashian admits pregnancy is not as easy as it looks.
Mom-to-be Kim Kardashian has admitted that being pregnant “is not easy.”
The E! reality star — who is having her first child with her rapper boyfriend Kanye West — spoke to Entertainment Tonight in Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve.
And she confessed that she has been taking “a lot of naps” as she copes with her changing body and growing baby.
“I wouldn’t say it’s been easy,” the 32-year-old said.
“When people say that pregnancy is fun and they love it I would have to disagree – even my sister has made it look easy, but it is not as easy as people think.
“But I heard it’s all worth it, so, I’m looking forward to that.”
Jacked from Celebuzz


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finally giving birth to one of your children!

Anonymous said...

Gold digging ho bag congrats on finally trapping someone dumb enough to fall for your tricks. I guess her entire pregnancy and birth will be filmed for her show on E. Damn she's like a herp as soon as she starts to fade and you think it's over, she pulls another fame whoring trick and pops up again.

Anonymous said...

No Kim, being poor, or broke, or unemployed in this economy is hard. Don't start whining now about how hard being pregnant is.

Are we, the public going to be subjected to every little ping and pang of this woman's pregnancy?

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