Friday, January 25, 2013

Kris Jenner Furious with Kanye West

Kris Jenner is furious with Kanye West for refusing to allow Kim sell their baby pictures.
Kim Kardashian has reportedly made the decision NOT to sell her baby photos to a magazine, instead she hopes to share them on Twitter instead – expect the micro-blogging site to crash once the pics are released. But it has you thinking, why not cash in on the baby pictures? I mean the Kardashians have always been about money, haven’t they?! Kourtney Kardashianhas sold her pics for both of her children, Mason and Penelope Disick!
Well, it looks like Kanye West is behind the reason Kim isn’t selling the pics. The rapper finds it very tacky to be putting your child’s first baby photos out to the world through a magazine deal and wants Kardashian to just do it through her social-networking site. He makes a good point, seeing that the $100 million worth rapper has enough money to spend on Kim – why in the world would she need a measly $1 million from a magazine?? Makes no sense, right?
Kim’s mom Kris Jenner is said to be totally against the idea of showing the pics to the world without some kind of deal from a mag; Kris is aware that Kim and Kanye could get up to $9 million if they were to go ahead with it, which means Jenner would get $900,000 of the deal as her manager she received 10% of what her daughter makes. IS THIS REALLY ALL ABOUTMONEY, KRIS? Give Kim a break and let her live her life the way she wants to. “Kim isn’t going to sell the pics. She’s not interested in doing that at all,” a source told the New York Daily News. “Kris is the one who wants to make money, but Kanye has changed Kim so much. He’s not interested in doing any of that.”
Kim and Kanye are still receiving dozens of offers for the exclusive baby pictures, but maybe if the right deal comes along, they may change their mind.
Jacked from Hollywood Hiccups


Anonymous said...

Well, about damn time someone puts her mom in her place. Why he would even put himself in the mix with that family is beyond me. I still believe he is the dumbest son of a bitch out there, for not just hittin and quitting in the first place. He knows she is a gold digger, if he don't know, he should listen to his own music, because he's going to be paying for 18 years, and then find out the kid ain't his...

Anonymous said...

Ain't no magazine giving up $9 Milli for no baby pics...2-3 maybe but definitely not 9

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Harrykate will get $9 milli for baby pics.

After reading that other post about Kris being an abuser the bitch is just rolling in the trife. She's just as bad as a hollywood jew.

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