Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Gets Evicted

Lindsay Lohan has been evicted from her Beverly Hills home after falling behind on her rent.
Lindsay Lohan has allegedly been evicted from her home.
The 'Liz & Dick' star - who is currently in London amid reports she is set to appear on 'Celebrity Big Brother' - is said to have been booted out of her Beverly Hills mansion after struggling to pay its $8,000-a-month rent.
A source looking at properties in the area told Hollyscoop: ''I went house hunting in Beverly Hills and the realtor told me that she was shown a house and the realtor said that it was Lindsay's last home.
''She had just recently left because she could no longer afford it.''
The property is the same one that was given a $200,000 revamp as part of the Bravo series 'Million Dollar Decorators' and Lindsay's lease was previously said to be valid until next month.
The 26-year-old actress, who has spent much of the last few months living in her home in New York, was said to have initially cooperated with producers and filmed a furniture-shopping segment last March, along with other footage at the house.
But once the renovations were completed, Lindsay allegedly stopped communicating with the show's team.
Producers are said to be planning to use other clips to cobble together a big reveal moment since Lindsay declined to take part.
The episode is scheduled to hit screens next week.
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

This is what you get when trying to live lavishly to impress who knows but doesn't care. This woman/girl doesn't stay in her home long enough to enjoy it, she's mostly in clubs, bars, jetsetting here and there. Why bother owing rent in an exclusive property you're never at?
I swear something happens to these Hollywood types when they gain fame (and lose it to infamey)
They lose all reason and common sense! Is something in the water there?

Anonymous said...


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