Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tom Cruise Embroiled in Gay Wiretap Scandal

Tom Cruise goes to extreme lengths to keep gay wiretap lawsuit under wraps.  

TOM CRUISE embroiled in “gay” wiretapping lawsuit and you won’t believe his OUTRAGEOUS demands!
Cruise has employed extreme measures to make sure what he wants buried STAYS buried.
Cruise, 50, and his litiginous pitbull, barrister Bert Fields, were sued for $5 million by magazine editor Michael Davis Sapir in 2009 for allegedly using private investigator Anthony Pellicano to illegally wire tap Sapir, reported.
Cruise sat for a three hour videotaped deposition on December 18, 2012, but he insisted that the taped interview be conducted and held under tight security so that the contents of his testimony are never released to the public.
In the exclusive court documents, Cruise lists his demands, writing: “Only one original videotape of the deposition shall be made.”
He also asserted that “No copies of the videotape, or any video or audio portions thereof, may be made and no one other than the counsel for the Parties and the Custodian, as defined below, may have access to the videotape.”
In the documents Cruise insists that a custodian be the only person who has the original video tape and they “shall safeguard and permit no one to view, audit or copy the videotape,” without instructions from the court.
Cruise sued Sapir in 2001 after Sapir scandalously offered a $500,000 reward for video evidence that Cruise is gay. Sapir later claimed he received an email with a video.
The suit was settled and Sapir admitted that there was no tape showing Cruise in gay activity.
If the case goes to trial, the videotape will still be closely guarded, according to Cruise’s demands in the documents.
“Counsel for Plaintiff, Johnson & Johnson, shall take custody of the videotape and shall maintain and make use of same (including adaptations) through the conclusion of trail; provided, however, that Plaintiff Sapir shall not be permitted to view, use or access the videotape (or any adaptation made there from) at any time prior to trail and, during trial, Sapir’s access to the videotape will be limited to viewing the videotape during open court proceedings.
Cruise has also demanded that at the end of the case his videotaped deposition will be returned “directly” to his lawyer.
Jacked from The National Enquirer


nba is fixed said...

I hate the fact that these celebrities are protected by the justice system.

Anonymous said...

They're not protected by the justice system. They just have enough money to buy their way out of bullsh*t.

Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise is gay and he wants to hide it. I am no longer a fan of his and I refuse to see any of his movies. Scientology is not a religion but a cult and people need to realize that. Wake up world!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how the hell can he make all those demands on a court system? This sounds bogus.

mjh said...

I don't care ABOUT the man's sex or his religion. I don't care FOR his "acting".

Anonymous said...

Protected by the justice system? How is it your business if he's gay or not you faggot?

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