Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Moves Back in with Mom

Lindsay Lohan gets dangerously close to rock bottom after being forced to move back home with her  mother.

The tax man is at her heels and club owners now keep a wary eye on poor Lindsay Lohan, but that’s barely the worst of it.
Confidential has learned she’s spending her days and most nights back in her teenage bedroom on Long Island.
“For the past three months that has been her home base,” a source close to the family dishes.
And that’s just where her mom, who needs her train-wreck daughter’s help to pay the mortgage, wants her.
Jacked from The NY Daily News


Kyla Fortner said...

And that’s just where her mom, who needs her train-wreck daughter’s help to pay the mortgage, wants her.

Anonymous said...

Roost Chickens Roost...............

Anonymous said...

Two lowdown dirt crackheads. The police will be called to their home because they will be fighting over the last crack rock.

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