Rihanna's new neighbors have had it up to here with the pop star and her antics.
Wanna know what you may witness if you were one of Rihanna’s neighbors?
Well…you could get a glimpse of the pop singer performing one of her songs while standing beside the gifted Porshce parked in her driveway; you may catch a moment of RiRi’s inebriation while she slurs her words during a telephone call, on speaker phone; you could feasibly see vehicles intentionally blocking her driveway, to delay deliveries in order land RiRi extra time to nurse a hangover; and, you may even witness to the singer walking Alma Real Drive during the wee hours, screaming into a smart phone.
That’s why we’re told neighbors have had it with Rihanna’s unruly, ratchet antics — including loud conversations, late night activity and bass-blasting music.
Now, sources say several members of the Pacific Palisades community are speaking out in hopes of calming their 24-year-old newly rich neighbor down.Jacked from Diary of a Hollywood Street King
The neighbors should call the police and have her arrested for distubing the peace!
I have a question; Why do so many little black girls look up to her?
@9:09 Probably because she makes a career in the music biz seem easy. Instead of seeing her spending hours in a recording studio, or taking voice lessons, or working on her stage presence, you see pics of her smoking blunts, posing naked, getting papped walking in and out of clubs, hanging out at parties, etc. I think some of them look and her think they can grow up to do the same thing--they don't necessarily need talent, just to look good and pull attention stunts on Instagram and Twitter.
You can take the girl out of the slum...
Rihanna is a Industry puppet, much like others in that business in HELLYWEIRD. She is programmed to act like a slutty fool to lead the masses of young women and girls into that behaviour. Britney, Beyonce, Ke$ha, Nicki Manaj, Lady Gaga, etc, etc are all industry puppets. So are the men. Jay Z, Justin Timberlake, Lil Wayne,Justin Bieber, etc, all of them. This has been going on for a long time. These people ARE NOT ILLUMINATI. They are puppets FOR the ILLUMINATI.
are her neighbours on payroll for blasting her??
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