Monday, March 11, 2013

Jennifer Lopez Envious of Marc Anthony's Girlfriend

Jennifer Lopez is green with envy over ex husband Marc Anthony's new girlfriend who is 22 years-old and stinking rich.

JENNIFER LOPEZ is furious that Marc Anthony is dating a 22-year-old hottie who’s filthy rich!
Marc’s new squeeze is blue-eyed beauty Chloe Green, an heiress to a British retail empire, and insiders say J.Lo, 43, is seething because Marc has one-upped her 25-year-old boy toy, back-up dancer Casper Smart.
“Jennifer always felt a certain pride in landing Casper, who looks young enough to be her son,” said an insider.
“But Marc believes he’s trumped her with Chloe, who at 22 is three years younger than Casper and incredibly rich to boot.”
Chloe – whose father is bil¬lionaire businessman and Topshop owner Sir Philip Green – packed on the PDA with salsa king Marc, 44, during a visit to Disneyland with his and J.Lo’s 5-year-old twins, Max and Emme. And that enraged the former “American Idol” judge, said the source.
“Jennifer couldn’t stand to see Marc and Chloe kissing and hugging in front of the kids,” revealed the source. “And she practically tore her hair out when she saw Chloe holding the twins.
“EVEN WORSE, Jennifer has known Chloe and her father since Chloe was a teenager. She feels totally betrayed, but Marc feels he’s just giving his ex a taste of her own medicine.”
J.Lo and Marc split in July 2011 after seven years of marriage, and she started dating Casper four months later. Marc filed for divorce in April 2012, but it’s yet to be finalized.
“Jennifer and Marc have always been competitive about who’s led a better life since their breakup,” said the source. “Now with Chloe, Marc is feeling smug.”
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

I always hated how jho had Casper all around her babies as soon as she separated from her husband. What kind of lesson is that for your kids?

Anonymous said...

What do women see in Marc anthony? he looks like he has Aids. he way too skinny. Even jada pickett had a fling with him. Whats the attraction?

Anonymous said...

JLo's chickens are coming home to roost. She was an overrated diva whose fame came off the heels of the Latin explosion that America went through from 1999-2006. It is ova. American entertainment has gone through that phase. (You know Hollywood wears cultures like customs and when they are done they discard the players). Her time is done. She has never had real talent other than her beauty which is fading fast. She didn't get the memo that Hollywood never took her seriously, just used her as a poster child for her culture (big ass and all). Time to stop drinking that Kool Aid JLo, you NEVER were the legendry star you were deceived into thinking you were and the truth about your career is about to drive you crazy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 1:34!! I've always found her talent mediocre at best. She's not a great singer, not the most graceful dancer, and damn sure not a good actress. Why is she even famous? Oh, that's right, fucking the right men.

Anonymous said...


Something tells me a lot of you women who post comments fuck a lot of men to get what you want, since you all seem to think no successful woman can succeed otherwise. Yall JUst so jealous of everybody.

Anonymous said...

This is 5:37, and I'm currently a graduate student. I'm doing this on my own! However, I know a lot of people in the industry and the whispers have gone on since she has been on the scene that she's a regular on the casting couch. Believe me, I'm not jealous of anyone (especially her). She's got no personality and she's aging. Believe me, being like her is not in the cards for me.

Anonymous said...


Shes aging? Aren't you aging? Everybody ages. jennifer is beautiful & looks great for her age Shut up.

Anonymous said...

8:34 & 9:34 get off of her damn pearl tongue bitches! EVERYONE knows J-ho is a matress!

Anonymous said...


Takes one to know one.

Anonymous said...


Hell Jamie Foxx reminded us at an MTV awards show.

Anonymous said...

J Lo and Marc Anthony should get back together! They both truly care about each other and this break up has hurt them both. J Lo needs to be careful with her choice, Casper. He wants/needs her $ and wont sign a pre-nup prior to getting married. Casper knows what he's doing and JLo needs to wake up. She has another child, toyboy!! Marc Anthony can do well on his own as he's proven but both Marc and J Lo love each other way too much! Wake up!!!

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